What seems to work for schizophrenia?

Hi everyone,

i wanted to ask what are the things that seem to work (together with antipsychotics, of course) for schizophrenia, positive and negative symptoms.

I saw that sarcosine, glycine and ketogenic diet seems to work, based on studies that are online.

What are other stuff that you found online that had good results (studies)?

Sorry for my english, thanks in advance for the answers.





A supplement called NAC.

But it didn’t work out for me. It seems to interact with Abilify to make Abilify less effective.

Broccoli sprout extract



I use this brand, but this brand is expensive


I found that a healthy day to day routine is really helpful. Do the things that seem hard, read a book, talk to people, do some sports.

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These are the ones I currently find essential:

B-vitamins(in particular B3, B6, B9)
Vitamin D
Vitamin C

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Nicotine and caffeine seems to do it for me.


Thumbs up for you for this


Thanks for the answers

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And i remember seeing studies about goal-oriented behavior as a treatment, being clear about what you want.


one can train one’s mind to feel well

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Nice to see you again.:slightly_smiling_face:

If it’s same Italy that used to post regularly.

Are you that Italy or someone else?

A simple to do list helped me when I was really unwell such as brush teeth , eat breakfast, shower, take rubbish out….
Writing down even such simple things that become difficult in such times.


Sleep and a routine helps stabilize you. I don’t get much sleep but I kinda had a routine before I herniated a disc. I’ve actually felt pretty good staying up late and losing my regular routine. I forgot how nice nights are.

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right now i use caffeine, nicotine, d3, multivitamin, b6, zinc, magnesium, vitamin e, probiotics. plus keto (only for the last 3 days). idk whats doing what but i think theyre helping. at least physically.


@SacredNeigh7 I posted only a few times some months ago. But it’s nice to know you :slight_smile:

@irrelevant Yes probiotics, i saw some studies too.

And ginkgo biloba.


Witamin C works for both negatives and positives.
Witamin B12 can restore emotions when you take it a lot.
Probiotics increase mood and help with cognitive functions, they may also help with positives.
Nicotine helps with social functioning. I only had friends in my life when I smoked.


I wish this wasn’t true for me.


it does. it makes it easier for me to communicate and its still hard but without it if be a zombie blob.

No perceived benefit is worth dying of heart disease in your forties or spending 300 a month that you could be eating.

Just a thought from someone who smoked 10 years and quit recently.

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I used nicotine for a couple years when I
was having auditory and visual hallucinations. It was expensive but was kind of desperate times for me feeling panicky most of the time. I would never go back to smoking I hope but would consider using lozenges if my hallucinations returned.

Risperdal probably kept me out of the hospital. It still seems to help after 20+ years though I struggle with my weight.

I think moving to the suburbs was also a big help. I grew up in a dangerous neighborhood and paranoia was a bit of a survival skill there.

I didn’t particularly like the regular jobs I had with a couple small businesses. I didn’t think they had quality products or good business plans and didn’t know enough at the time how to change things. It adds a lot of stress when your heart really isn’t in your work.

I did day treatment, support groups, advocacy, had a pretty good marriage for a number of years, mostly supportive family, good friends, mostly good doctors.

It really boils down to molecules and information… good stuff in means good stuff out

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And l-theanine according to studies.