What seems to work for schizophrenia?

The thing that helps me is a combination of medication and therapy. I think with therapy you need to be completely open as to whats actually going on in your head. I still get bad days but for the most part I’m doing well.

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For me medication and virtual reality. Also vitamin b1 and cutting back on caffeine.

Vitamin D - works very well, helps with positives and negatives.
Butyric acid - I feel better when supplement this, good addiction to probiotics.

I take a few supplements – NAC, Vitamin D3, and fish oil. I like this combo, and it seems to do alright for me personally.

Other than pills I pop into my mouth, I think having and knowing your coping mechanisms help with schizophrenia. Whether it be music, art, food, exercise, entertainment, etc…I think it’s important to know how we can calm ourselves down.

Clozapine seems to work very well. Said this many times but I regret not going on it sooner

All of that torture I did to myself because I thought I knew better

It was quite clear when they told me I was going on it that I had no choice, but I now know why they pushed for it so hard in the end

Not all rosey…. Have to take 3x laxatives but the weight is going down and drool much less

Going to bed at reasonable times now and able to sleep without any issues, which was unheard of for many years previous

Also the Vortioxetine really does quiet down anxiety

The regime is not perfect but I have learned the boundaries of what I can and can’t do with this treatment plan and it works for me

Before was like going into a burning building just to try and do normal things or feel something

Now with some guard rails I get by and keep busy

And most importantly I have kept out of hospital and been able to have support from a health team but at an arms length

Dealing with people is not my strongest skill set, and unfortunately for me and the health team, the dynamic is just really ■■■■■■ up and we’re better on both sides with this distance I have imposed


Seroquel and lots of sleep. Cigarettes and coffee (no sugar). Making a TO DO list when I need it. Day job is my socializing. Music playlist of my favs and writing songs on my guitar. Singing, coloring mandalas and flowers, and drawing comics (about what the voices are saying.) Making up silly TV shows about what the voices said. Schizo my sock puppet when things get really bad. So call it arts n crafts… Venting to my mom when I cant take it anymore. Therapy. Going to church. Praying. Light Yoga. Meditation on Scripture. Reading (nonfiction only). Ive got options. I do what I want to. And I like to clean.


I also signed up for every schizophrenia study they offered on Facebook.