What’s your weather like today?

It’s 88F (31.11C) here today.

My work’s air barely works. Ugh!


There is a thunderstorm going on tonight.

I hear the thunder and see the lightning.

It was 26°C today here


It’s 58 F here, a Chinook front has brought us warm winds and it’s partly cloudy but not likely to rain.

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It’s supposed to be 101 F here today and.tomorrow and then start cooling down over the weekend.

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That is entirely too hot @Moonbeam ! It sounds awful! We had a day in the low hundreds not long ago and it was miserable

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Fortunately, I have AC

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Its 91 here today. Too hot!

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A little cold and cloudy. Summer is ending here it seems.

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I do too but we can’t afford to keep the temperature cool enough in the house and it gets hot

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it’s 89 degrees f. for a high today and tomorrow…then down to the mid eighties the rest of the week or so…our a/c units handle this current heat much better and it’s pretty comfortable right now during the day…nights get down to about 68 degrees f. at night…just waiting for Fall…yayyy


It’s really. Really. And really hot :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:

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Sunny and 75

It’s nice today :grin:

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Its 82°F/28°C here at the moment (feels like temperature)

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30°C (85°F) partly cloudy and comfortable


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