I bought and paid for 2 bicycle tires on December 7th. They shipped the 8th. USPS delivered them today (10 days later.)
What’s your shipping nightmare?
I bought and paid for 2 bicycle tires on December 7th. They shipped the 8th. USPS delivered them today (10 days later.)
What’s your shipping nightmare?
i find it funny we are so accustomed to expidited shipping now thanks to companies like amazon doing same day and next day shipping. It used to always take atleast 7-14 days to get items from other companies
I had a couple blurays that were damaged on the way to me. Taxi Driver and Basket Case.
We wanted to get the grandparents in VA a gift basket but they are sold out / will ship late everywhere we look Might have to settle for an e-mail.
Are they still readable?
Oh no, Amazon intercepted the package before it was out for delivery.
They refunded me and everything. So all is well.
I purchased something from Germany two weeks ago and it won’t get here until late January because, apparently, all package shipments from Germany to the U.S. are now going by sea freight instead of air freight and it will take 30+ days. At least I got my order in before Germany completely locked down since right now the stores are all shutdown until January (except for grocery and drugstores).
I ordered something from Sweden last week and it’s already made it through customs in the U.S. and should get here any day.
I’m not sure why there’s such a difference between Sweden and Germany’s ability to ship to the U.S.
I’ve only ordered from outside the USA once, and it was a Japanese Fight Stick for Street Fighter 5. It cost me 200 dollars and took 2.5 months to arrive lol. It was the coolest stick in the world though, silent so it didn’t make loud clicks. I ended up reselling it locally for the same price a year later around Christmas.
When companies ship using Canada Post instead of private courier. The private companies are always faster and rarely break your @#$%. Canada Post sucks all around and should just be shut down. Useless.
I shop on Amazon. They’re always early or on time.
We must live in different realities!
They have warehouses in my city.
There’s one right next to us.
I ordered a replacement air fryer on Saturday after mine bit the biscuit. Replacement was supposed to be here Tuesday. I was ready and waiting with fries prepped to cook. Showed up… Thursday.
I love fries in the air fryer especially homemade.
Lawd yes. My wife was initially mad at me for buying it, and then I used it to cook bacon. Mrs. Squirrel be like, “wait, WHAT?” There was no bacon grease spatter anywhere and the bacon was perfect. After that she started using it A LOT. We wore the poor thing out as it quickly became our second most used appliance next to the espresso maker.
My shipping nightmare is in progress.
I ordered a last minute present for an elderly relative for them to give to someone else. It may or may not arrive in time for Christmas now.
7 months for my vape pods to arrive from china, AliExpress. Usually its 1-2 months.
I ordered a gift card online to be delivered to my house, and it still hasn’t shown up. I purchased it on November 30th. I doubt it’s coming, because the confirmation email said 5-7 business days. Then I called customer support to check on the status of the gift card, and the guy said 7-10 business days. Oh well, it wasn’t enough money to lose sleep over, just kinda frustrating. It was supposed to be a gift for my uncle.
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