What’s everybody’s dream job

Vocalist in an indie alternative band…


I wanted to be a psychiatrist. :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:


A physician specializing in bariatrics.

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Sex toy tester.


From the direction I’m heading now I guess it would be to be a landlord. To manage rental houses.

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i am an accountant and i dream to become financial manager but its impossible due to my mental illness.


i’m currently a night shift employee at a grocery store! i’m curious as to why you’d like to work as one- not saying it’s a bad job, it isn’t, i personally like it :stuck_out_tongue:


i’d love to be the creator of animated shows. nothing long-running. a mini-series of the story of my novel, and a two-season show about my sci-fi dystopia. if i could do anything in the world it would be that.


i wanna work nights cause less people around and i wanna stock shelves cause its not a very social job, at least i hope its not. and i can learn store layouts pretty easy and dont mind lining things up. i was also labeled with autism haha. ive never had a job. can i ask is it hard to get a job like that and what is it like working nights at a grocery store?

Supermarket official beer taster :beer:


Neuro or computer science but I would have to be so much different then I am now for this to be realistic.

Comedian would be fun. It’s also probably more realistic when I consider my skill set. I would also need to be around people more. Can’t be funny when there’s no one around to laugh. I’ve also noticed I’m a lot funnier when I’m around the right people. One more thing I’ve noticed is that isolation tends to kill a sense of humor.

Truck driver. This is by far the most likely.


I want to be a panhandler. My sign will say:

Too Lazy To Work. Need A Beer.


you are right, it is a very solitary job. once you’re in your aisle there isn’t a lot of social interaction going on- it is absolutely nothing like working in a store during the day. however, you’re still gonna need to be able to communicate just cause when you have lots of product and pallets all over the place you need to coordinate where it is gonna go etc. also, it’s a lot of work, it isn’t an easy job. you have to be ready to do a lot of physical repetitive labor. while it is nice working in the quiet hours of the world, it’s a lot of sweat.

i wouldn’t say it is hard to get the job, you just need to be convincing and upstanding in your interview. present yourself as open-minded, friendly, and with a great work ethic, and they’ll probably be more than glad to have someone else for the night crew, because not a lot of people can deal with working overnight.

because you’ve never had a job before it is possible they might want you to work parking lot or as a cashier first- it depends on the hiring manager i think. if you have done volunteer work or any community service make sure you include that on your resume.

good luck !!

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I would like to live on farm,making cheese…


This isn’t a job, but I’d love to be a capitalist industrialist, the type that existed during the gilded age. Having a lot of money and doing business deals seems fun for me.


Don’t stop at multimillionaire. Go for billionaire.


thank you for all the info!

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Pathfinder with advanced technology, centuries from now…

Exploring other galaxies and founding new settlements for humanity on exoplanets.

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Wow that also seems like a scary but awesome idea

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