What life situation u in and what are your troubles?

That is good. :smile: Fingers crossed!

I have left the profession i received extensive training for and work in a simple clerical job. The job is manageable and my performance is acceptable. But the pay is low Iā€™m not making enough money to support myself financially.

Iā€™m thinking if i can work as a psychologist again. You know my difficulties would be like memory impairment and limited social interactions. I like being a psychologist. I used to find my work meaningful and rewarding. But it seems to be too demanding for me. Iā€™ve started daily exercise recently and it gives me some hope Iā€™m getting better. I wish to spend 2 to 3 years on exercising and look how far i could go.

Iā€™m grieving my past relationship. Iā€™m planning to get some psychotherapy as my past tortured me a lot.

I have strange feelings as a being. The fragmented identities do integrate but is fragile.
I love to talk about spirituality and losing touch with reality though not entirely.

Please donā€™t give up. Endurance counts. As SurprisedJ pointed out, confront it one step at a time.

True friend is someone who share happiness and also help each other during difficult times.
Never lower your standard for just any friend. Having no friend is better than associating with bad friend.

Yes, me too, posting online and seek consolation.

I donā€™t know about courageous, but thank you! I survived because of my faith in God, which is unfortunately intricately entwined with the schizophrenic hallucinations. Iā€™m not sure what ā€œworkedā€ for me would work for anyone else. I will say that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was the most effective therapy Iā€™ve ever gone through. Itā€™s what allowed me to accept the voices and understand that I can hear them without feeling obligated to listen to them. Itā€™s still difficult, but not as difficult now as it was years ago. Youā€™re a really supportive and encouraging personā€¦thanks.

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Quitting weed is going to feel fantastic! Get help to do it, if possible, and share the experience with others doing the same thing.


Youā€™ve got the desire to quit, thatā€™s vitally important. Youā€™re probably familiar with the 5 stages of change. Donā€™t knock yourself for being in the early stages. Feel good about having the desire to quit, thatā€™s foundational. Youā€™re in the process of quitting even as we speak, move through the journey as it unfolds. Yeah! Congratulations!