My favorite dessert food is ice cream. My second favorite dessert is a cookie cake. It is a big cookie the same size as a pizza with icing on top of it. Yummmm
I really like mint chocolate chip ice cream.
That is one of my favorite flavors as well.
- Candy
- Cake with a lot of frosting
- Cookies
- Ice cream
Do chocolates count, as candy inside a heart box for Valentine’s Day? They are called chocolates right?
Yes, they do.
Yep, they are.
I do like chocolates, but it’s the other kind of candy that I like the most. However, I like chocolates too. I thought about differentiating, but I like them all…
I love any form of milk chocolate tbh.
I like iced sponge cake with vanilla custard.
Caramel chocolate mousse, salt and vinegar chips, hazeulnut chocolate, cheesecake, soft drink. Those are some of my fave treat foods.
Cheesecake, frozen yogurt or ice cream
Key lime pie
Chocolate cake, ice cream, banana pudding
A classic chocolate fudge cake!
I’m fond of cheesecake and chocolate brownies. I don’t have either very often, it’s been years since i had cheesecake, but i love the flavor of it.
I really enjoy having fresh fruit for dessert.
I love apple pie the best
Me too, or the french version “tarte tatin.”
Cherry pie a la mode. Thanks for reminding me. I was starving and forgot I bought a small pie.
Pure chocolate mousse. Not made into a cake or a pie. And a very generous helping. Very, very hard to find though. The last time I had this was in 1985, believe it or not.
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