My favorite Christmas movie is the Christmas movie starring Chevy Chase.
National Lampoons Christmas vacation…yeah, back when I used to watch TV that used to be one of my favorites as well. That’s the first one I thought of when I saw your title.
Jingle All The Way
Mine is “A Christmas Carol”.
Mines “A Christmas story” Remember " you’ll shoot your eye out!"
We watch “home alone” on Christmas love those movies!
That’s my favourite too !
Mine is Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase also!
Watched it for the millionth time last night
die hard =D 151515
Oh c’mon… it’s gotta be “Scrooged” with Bill Murray!
“8 crazy nights”
An animated Adam Sandler movie🙂
The Santa Claus.
Die Hard and Die Hard 2 double-feature. Only way to fly.
It’s a wonderful Life
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It’s one of those Shane Black films that take place during Christmas, so… close enough. Hilarious movie… I highly recommend it.
Other than that, I go for the classic, expected It’s A Wonderful Life. That movie is actually pretty dark in some moments, but I always cry at the end.
Charlie Brown Christmas
Obligatory Star Trek Reference: Star Trek Generations
It’s a Wonderful Life is also my favorite Christmas movie. I own it on DVD. I highly recommend people watch it one sitting with no commercials. It’s a very dark film. The ending always makes me cry.