What is your fave cuisine?

Mine is Ukrainian, maybe it’s cause I’m half Ukrainian :slight_smile:

Spicy squid :blowfish:

Palestinian cuisine.

I love Thai food. I can drink nam pla, lol.

And I love Japanese food also.
Sushi is great
Raw fish is so delicious…! :yum:

Southern barbeque.

Italian is my favorite type of food.
2nd place is Mexican.
3rd Greek.

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Indian…but Mexican comes close.

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Mexican food…I’m actually trying to learn spanish right now. I spoke all day in spanish with my Ecuadorian co-worker, came home and put an ad on craigslist for someone bi-lingual to teach me spanish. I’m gonna listen to CD’s and take a class on speaking spanish. I’m pumped. I really like spanish girls can’t lie. I put it on the strictly platonic section m4w on craigslist.

Maybe after I learn spanish I’ll learn another language too.

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There’s Indian restaurants in KY? I’m surprised! :smiley:

Or did you gain your taste for indian cuisine while living or vacationing somewhere else?

Indian is my second favorite. Tandoori chicken…pouri bread. yum yum yum. me and odelle have similar tastes in food. I also like american food and japanese and chinese. wow

I’m half italian but don’t love italian but it’s not bad either

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We have all varieties here in kentucky lol but we have only dirt roads and marry our cousins :wink:

That’s what I’ve heard! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My Grandparents live near the VA - KY state line, on the VA side though. Look at the bright side of things, at least you don’t live in WV! :smiley:

That’s true. WV has a bad reputation for sure. Especially with pills in the appalachians.

I hope to start my own Italian restaurant and wedding venue within the next ten years!

Thai. I am so weak for Thai. I also love Japanese, Indian and Italian.

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No ones mentioned french yet. I went to Paris when I was 10 and it was the best week of food I’ve ever had…Fondue anybody??? The best chefs are from France.

What french cuisine do you recommend? My brother was recently in Montreal and tried Poutine and said it was excellent!

My French teacher (who was actually British :smiley:) said she lived in Paris for two years and mostly ate crepes!

Steak fondue is the only thing I really remember because it was so damn fun. That’s where you grab skillets and poke the steak and then let it sit in boiling hot water for a minute or so and then take it out and eat it. It’s the most fun meal.

Oh and I forgot Ethiopian food. If you ever find an Ethiopian restaurant…it’s the best meal I ever had. I had it in Boston. You eat it with your hands. The bread and everything else is amazing.

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Soul Food, Chinese Food

I love Italian Food - Middle Eastern Food etc…