They say more people who are born in winter develop sz.
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
0 voters
They say more people who are born in winter develop sz.
0 voters
We’d need most if not all members to vote in order to draw a conclusion…
I was born in May and had to Google it. May is Spring in the US and UK.
Oh I never considered how the concept of seasons might vary across nations. The standard should be:
Spring: March-May
Summer: June-August
Autumn: September-November
Winter: December-February
I wish I could see who all the other autumn babies are!
I opted for a private poll. Some members don’t want to disclose. But I was born in autumn too !
In Australia Summer and Winter are reversed. I’m not sure when Spring and Fall are.
I’m a winter baby; was born a little early and a little light. I’ve always been in a rush to get to the next place I’m going.
I’m a winter baby. Born in February 1960 in the US in mile high snow.
I am a winter baby.
Late autumn - in May (I’m in Southern hemisphere)
Oh, I thought September was considered part of summer, so I picked summer
I guess Autumn then
Autumn is my favourite season, too
They’re all equal. I guess when you are born doesnt make a difference in having sz.
Being winter born, urban born next to a factory that used dry cleaning chemicals, having two first degree relatives with sz, being bullied, having an older father all increased my odds. According to E. Fuller Torrey about the only thing in my favor was I didn’t own a cat as a child (but am glad I finally have one now) and I didn’t use marijuana.
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