Do you prefer spring or the summer. Winter or fall.
Me- spring and fall
@shutterbug I meant to put this under lounge but I can’t change it
Fall, winter, spring, summer.
I like the summer and winter
Spring & fall. …
We have a winner
Winter. I love the cold i live in the south and i cant stand the muggy summers i was raised in the desert and it wasnt far from snowy mountains.
Fall and spring. I love the holiday season, and the turning of the color of the leaves on the trees. I also like the American football season. Then, after Christmas, it is all downhill.
Spring and fall here too. Everything is blooming/everything is beggining to decay
40°-60° is my area.
@Rhubot @crimby I just like jackets and hoodies . It’s harder to cool down in the summer sometimes. I enjoy the cool morning breeze of air right before it’s officially spring. It gets me feeling euphoric
Same here. I have the windows open even though it gets to 40° here at night. I just curl up under the covers.
You can always add more layers, but there’s only so much you can take off when it’s hot. My skin is still pretty firmly attached
Autumn (fall) is my favourite season.
woah there now lol
Good time for paramore
Fall and Spring…I hate the flies of summer, they get in the house and drive me crazy.
Oh yea and the bees . Buzzing in my ear. I might move to new York
Autumn/Fall love the colors and the cool evenings, and Halloween.
Fall >spring
Fall=fall=paramore and leaves= mood swings