I’ve only been here for a month or so. When I first came here, I came because I wanted information regarding my illness, as my diagnosis is fairly new. I asked a lot of questions in regards to symptoms, medication, etc. Now I see it more as a place for social interaction, which is great for me because I have isolated myself from the world. I like being able to talk with others without any worry of feeling different.
I realize that we all probably use the site for a bit of both, but if you have to break down your use by percentage, where would you put the higher percentage?
I come here with the weird delusion that my symptoms will go away just by talking about them. At least i think that this is what people like my psychologist believe in. Like magical psychoanalytics of weird fetishes (Oedipus complex) that can be untied and let go off by talking about and realizing them. But also because i dont have anything else to do for the next 3 weeks until work begins.
Before I found Schizophrenia.com, I thought I was the “only” person who thought and felt the kinds of things I was feeling. It’s been very helpful to see that my symptoms are not unique, but quite common. When I think that I’m the only who feels these kinds of things, I then begin to believe the false reality that the illness presents. When I see that others feel these same kinds of things, I can then understand that I have a mental illness. The bizarre reality that seems so real to me is only symptoms.
When I drift backwards and start believing the symptoms, this forum guides me back to full sanity. It’s a lifesaver for me.
I’m not sure. I learned about it from their newsletter + checked it out. I’ve been here ever since. It took a long time - several years for me to feel like I fit in. A place among people where I sort of belong. Peers.
I come for pretty much all those reason. I know extensively about schizophrenia, but this forum led me to discover things like Sarcosine, which has helped immensely.
Found the site not long ago when reality was unZipped for me, didn’t want to accept that symptoms were back, it is a relief to share things here and to try and encourage others…this is a place i don’t have to hide even when i hide
I had never discussed some of my experiences with anyone. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and I knew the sort of obvious reasons, but this site has taught me more of the depth of my delusions. So it’s for relating to others, getting and hopefully giving support, and information too.
I stumbled on this site by accident while I was researching schizophrenia. Well, actually the “old site” which many long time members know about. I wasn’t quite sure of what I had found or what the whole site was all about but then I read a few posts about employment and I thought, “That’s right up my alley”. The people were asking for help and info about working and since I have been blessed with the ability to work for most of my 35 years with paranoid schizophrenia I shared my experience with working and it seemed to help.
My other experiences with 35 years in the mental health system seem to help to so I will keep doing what works. I have also used this site for support for myself. When I had a mini-relapse 3 months ago due to my mom mom dying and having to take two months off of work and being hospitalized for the first time since 1990, the support of this site and it’s members played a major part in my making a comeback and getting back on my feet. I’m still struggling but I’m better than I was three months ago.
I originally joined the old forum to get help in understanding my symptoms. Then the new forum came along with a lot of new members people I didn’t know so I got nervous and didn’t join right away. I’m on two different sz forums both are nice and help me when I need it and I am in turn helping others when I can.