What is the one thing that your voices want the most?

Whenever I’m driving the car I hear 2 voices singing “We want ice cream!”

Then I realize it’s my twin daughters in the back seat so I pull into a Dairy Queen. :wink:

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You’re very welcome indeed, @anon47167357 :slightly_smiling_face:

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I dont get them often. They talk over each other so its hard to follow. But they want me to understand things in a different way. And they other times wanted me to think badly about my intelligence and that everyone is watching me for an experiment.

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Yes there is good in the world i was meaning from corruption, materialism and greed.


I don’t hear voices too often now, I tend to ignore voices no matter what they say but they talk to me about futuristic stuff and ironical jokes

My voice most of all wants me to be virtuous. It told me today that “it is nice to wake up to a dog”. And I did wake up to a dog in real life. I don’t usually. I own a cat myself. How did my voice know I would wake up to a dog today of all days? My voice is smart.

Now, instead of my voice talking to me out of prayer books, it’s talking to be out of apps from my smartphone.

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My voices like to crush what little self esteem i have. They are always negative and insulting me.

sometimes the voices are my smart side. sometimes i feel they are trustworthy for a moment. mostly just trash and destruction. but they go away and leave nothing and i forget and bounce back. for years i do that.

My voice has managed to remake my entire personality. But in the process, I have become happier and more content as a result. So, I guess it’s a good thing.

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I here voices when I say something that d voices told me .that is repeat it a aloud to someone.

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OK what is the truth about how to live with people and loving god with hole self? What will happen if I love neighbor as your self and put god will for u first and what will happen if we don’t from Adam and eve that’s the bible story so preach order proper behaviour and know when to think! I find when I think to fast or to long d voices start so am trying not to think or think only when needed because I think u people here hear my voice in your heat and make noise when I think to long to text I hear u that’s my unusual belife

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Evil voices want me dead or they want me to worship Lucifer.
Good voices are helpful and encouraging

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My voices just seemed to want me to be plain miserable :frowning:

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