What is the one thing that your voices want the most?

Trying to villify me, but I think they’re just taking the piss out of me.

I don’t see things or hear things, but I want people to validate and believe me sometimes. I get told things are not real or I have a big imagination.

Hello im not a star or a friend of this world. The world will pass with its corruption and in the end there will be nothing but the eternal truth. That is what i seek today.

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I am sometimes tempted to withdraw from the world due to my pains and being generally resentful about it all but I feel that there is good in the world, and I want to give back somehow, as soon as my pains allow me to.

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Do you believe in mind control and people telepathically communicating with you?

They want me erased from the world.

My voices want to scare and humiliate me. But, I know their tricks and they will never control me. I am the boss of me.

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My bad voices want me dead or devotee of Lucifer. Good voices want me strong and confident, devotee of goddess Annette

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My voices want me and are going to make me go insane and go back to hospital. They used to want me to join the provisional IRA


Are you Irish? Do you live in Ireland? I hope those are not intrusive questions. I am Irish. I live in Dublin.

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Cool how are you? No not at all. I live in the west of Ireland so not too far away. Do you hear voices?

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I’m doing quite well, thanks. How are you?

Yes, I do hear voices. They are mostly negative. Insulting. Degrading. But, sometimes a girl’s voice tells me she loves me, over and over and over again. It’s very annoying.

It must have been very disturbing to have the voices telling you to join the Provisional IRA. Are your voices mostly negative? I hope you won’t have to go back to the hospital. I hope I don’t either.

p.s. When I saw your profile name @anon47167357 , I thought you were Italian.

My voices are 100% indistinguishable from a real person. They are highly intelligent and tricked me into several delusions. I struggle everyday with the fact that I think their real, I hope they are not because I would like my life back.


You’re obsessed with them, @anon47167357.
It’s not healthy. I know cos I do the same

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I know I literally don’t think of anything else. It’s because they are so real sounding. It is very unhealthy, I wonder what the future holds for me


You’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Voices are gone.
Do you have any delusions? The IRA thing?

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Thank you @Om_Sadasiva. I still think that it’s the IRA. And they got it from the CIA. It just is too real to me I can’t accept anything else. You should’ve heard my voices you would be so shocked that they are real.! How about you have you any active delusions?

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I understand. My voices are very real(istic). It can take a while for me to be objective and clear-headed and I then realise that they couldn’t possibly be real.

But, with the right medication you will recover and you will feel much better.

I felt utterly hopeless when I was constantly hallucinating. But, I got the proper medication and I’m in recovery. And I know that you will recover too.

It is darkest before dawn.

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I have some delusions of grandeur.
No meds help with those.
I still have some bizarre delusions, but minor,
with insight

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Thank you @parallelmind!

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