What if you go out of the country for ten weeks

And you need meds??? Can they ship it to you. Currently my pharmacy ships my refills to me. But if you go out of the country can they give you three months supply all at once. Or what. Or are you screwed?

A good doctor would probably make an arrangement with your pharmacy on good faith.

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I may study abroad in the spring so I hope this is the case… The klonopin sounds like it would be an issue though :frowning:

I think they’d give me my abilify and naltrexone but I worry about the kpins damn.

I think when you go through customs most places you can only have a 30 day supply of meds. You have to figure out how to get them where you are going. I have looked into this.

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Oh wow thanks for the info @TomCat

Sometimes you also need a letter from your doctor for stuff like klonopin.

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