Had an apple an accidentally ate the sticker on it. I think I’m hallucinating a stomach ache.
I used to eat paper all the time as a kid, because I had Pica. It’s harmless in small doses. You basically just don’t digest it, and poop it back out.
Oh thanks @Ninjastar
If you ate paper by accident, chances are you would pass it in the stool. If this is a chronic problem you could create a bezoar or a mass of paper which could eventually cause an intestinal blockage.
Most paper contains traces of dioxin, a byproduct of bleaching with chlorine. Dioxin is a carcinogen and an extremely toxic chemical. It is not considered hazardous to touch these products, but it is possible that if you “eat paper” even without swallowing that some of the dioxins will be absorbed into your body. I would not take this chance. Unbleached paper is relatively safe.
A lot of chemicals in most paper that should not be ingested regularly or in large quantities. Bleaching agents, sizing agents, chalk, and finishing agents, to name a few. Specialty papers (toilet or facial tissue included) can contain perfumes, softening agents, dyes and other pigments. While there is some caloric value to cellulose, it is best to stick with food.
I’ve done that before. I was fine.
Eating paper is harmless in small quantities.
Just don’t make a habit out of it
The stickers on apples are made non-toxic, since people accidentally eat them all the time.
What happens when you eat paper?
You save money on toilet paper!
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