@Sardonic are you still around? Did you ever end up getting help?
Does anyone know anything more?
@Sardonic are you still around? Did you ever end up getting help?
Does anyone know anything more?
i saw them around a few days ago iunno if you saw that or not. Apparently he/she was in the hospital recently and is feeling better now iunno if youve talked to them since then.
check this thread:
Thanks for the update! I was worried as I hadn’t seen updates to what was a daily updated thread.
Hoping things get better and continue that way.
Hello. Yes I am back. My mom took me to the hospital. I wss honest and I got hospitalized. I was there for about 10 days. I still have symptoms, but they’re greatly lessened in frequency and intensity. Overall I am feeling much better.
glad to hear fif, you sound much clearer! i dont know if that makes sense XD
Good that you are back and doing better!
@Sardonic See, you posted fairly recently that you thought people didn’t like you. This is not the only thread going with folks worried about you. I think we can safely say you’re well liked.
Thanks all. I sound clearer? I suppose that’s good then, haha.
@anon39736208: I guess you’re right. I really thought I was hated, but I don’t feel like that so much anymore.
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