What gives you hope

I can’t say on this site. Other things that give me hope is having good days, and having good situations.


I’m glad you’re getting some hope in your life :slight_smile:

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Thanks Zannah…15151515

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Movies, books, real life stories. My dreams and visions. Other dreams and visions, music and what comes with it. People who are beautiful from the inside. Nice events. The change we can trigger in other people’s life’s. My friends and family. TV commercials.

Dec 26, means I’m past the most odious day of the year.

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What does that mean, some sort of rebirth ?

Knowing all the new technologies coming out. The pace of progress is quickening. At the end of this century life will be very different for people, if we don’t destroy the planet in the process.


Understanding. I wouldn’t have been suicidal if someone hadn’t suggested it.

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Yes, in my younger years it was taboo to talk about suicide. I got into these social circles through psychiatry. Depression isn’t nice to have.

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