Gen X here
I would be gen z.
Baby Boomer. 1959
I’m a late boomer. I was born in 1960. But the government and the media shouldn’t lump those of us born in the 60’s with others who were born in the 40’s up to the mid 50’s. The late boomers, like me, weren’t part of the hippie or Woodstock era. We didn’t fight in or protest against Vietnam. That was all over by the time we came along. We were met with disco music and discotheques and funkadelic music were all the rage in our time. I suggest we be called Late boomers not Baby boomers as other social commentators have suggested.
But, if our generation is only defined by it’s rate of birth, I find that very sad.
Xennial here, born 1982.
The Silent Generation but I feel like the Lost Generation.
I am a millennial.
Top end of Gen X.
I’m a millennial, almost gen z
I’m near the tail end of Gen X
Gen X. 15151515
Millennial 15151515
I’m a millenial.
You are not the youngest generation, I’m afraid. I’m also Gen Z
Turning 25 soon, born in 1996.
I’m millennial. 1515151515
I’m Gen X. Better than I thought lol!
Cusp of Baby Boomer/ Generation X
Millennial. 151515
I’m a Gen Y or Millennial.
Millennial born 84