Which Generation Are You?


At 53 years of age, I’m at the beginning of Generation X…and I am raising Generation Z…my two kids.


Same as you. I have one gen Z kid only, that I am no longer raising.

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I am a baby boomer. Life in the 60’s was something else.


I’m a millennial.

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I was 14 in 1980…24 in 1990…

The 80’s were really special. An explosion of musical creativity…music videos…the Walkman…VCR’s…the fashion…etc.

There was a real sweetness to that era. I’m glad I grew up in the best decade mankind has ever known.

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I am a Generation X.

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Generation X which I’d argue was later than me!

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A Generation that assuredly knows better than those following it. It was preceded by one that knows better than mine. Yet somehow life went on.

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America underwent a sea change in the 60’s. It started out with Kennedy as president, and when he got assassinated it was a BIG shock to America. I still remember my sister standing in front of the tv and crying. The civil rights movement got started in 1965. Martin Luther King got assassinated in 1968. That was another big shock. Then, in 1965 we sent the Marines into Vietnam, and North Vietnam sent down the North Vietnamese Army, and it went from being a guerilla war to a full scale war. Richard Nixon was elected in 1968, and we know how that turned out. America put a man on the moon in 1969. I was very little when this was happening, but I still remember something about it. Before Vietnam escalated America thought of it as the shining castle on the hill. All those poor countries in the world needed was some of us. Then came the antiwar movement. Words can’t say how badly that war shook our confidence. Of course there were the hippies and Woodstock - the summer of love. The decade ended with the first acid wave. During that time you could buy a little tiny pill, and when you took it you were lost to reality for five or six hours. A fitting end to the decade.

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I think of myself as tail end of Gen X, born in 1979; I’ve never heard of the term Xennial, but I suppose I fit into that category, as well.


I am a Millennial or Gen Y.

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I also am millennial. born 89.

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I’m a xennial born in 1984

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I’m an Xer who raised two Z’s

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I am a millennial :slight_smile: .

Baby Boomer here. Born in 1954.

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I am a Millennial I am 32 and was born in 1987

I constantly tease Millennials, even though i like their generation.

They are so lazy, they want everything on their couch today. Their laziness has changed the business model for companies in North America.

Amazon’s fast delivery…Skip the Dishes food delivery…Uber/ Lift car rides…etc.

Who knew being so lazy would lead to greater customer service?

LS! I was born in 1958, that makes me a Baby Boomer. I had it all: squattering mansions and doing drugs.