What did you do today?

well I woke up at 6am, went over to mom and dad’s for a couple cups of coffee. also washed a sweatshirt in the laundry. then I came back got on the forum, made some noise. went away, waited for the trash to be picked up, picked up the trash. went to the grocery store got a week’s worth of food and drink. came back. mom called, and invited me over for dinner, so I went over there and ate. now im back just waiting til 8pm where I turn out all the lights and lay in bed waiting for my next dream. and that’s it, my day is winding down, but it still seems early with the sun out.


I got up at 7:45am, had breakfast, went to my course until 4:30pm. Came home went down to the farm and did my jobs like feeding the cows and cleaning out the sheds and il probably head for bed here now in about 45 minutes


I worked out. I don’t have to cook tonight because we’re having left over chili. Lazy day for me. I’m snuggled with my doggie right now


Got up at 9, went back to bed til 11, got up, played fetch with the dog, did some research, listened to music, condenmed some people online to hell, read the news, went to the store for a drink, ate some take out and now im just sitting here wondering if i should play wow.


haha classic. I can get with that. take it easy man. sounds like an eventful day


Went shopping for food.
I’m really into asparagus believe it or not.
Went for a walk.
Watched some tutorial on watercolours
Washed up the dishes
Washed my coat


asparagus is a perennial. takes awhile to establish and harvest. not sure how long. was going to grow it, but didn’t like the way it looked. so that’s that. maybe I will reconsider and plant some along the neighbors fenceline.


We used to grow it when I lived in Germany


My day was a typical weekday for me. I did my job from 8:00 to 4:30, doing moderately challenging data entry. Then I come home with about 2 hours of nothing to do. I talk some on the phone. And I work on the internet.


I had a busy day of errands. I did have a full shower and washed my hair. I did too much today and am paying the price

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Well I took my sister to work, then I went to the bank to pick up some cash to send to my son and wrote him a letter in the parking lot, then I went by my pdocs office to see if I could get a few Ativan, which I did, then I went to the post office to drop of my son’s card and cash and check my sister’s po box, then I came home and took a bath, then I went to mental health to art class. then I came home and made lunch, then I just chilled until it was time to go back out to pick my sister up from work. Now I’m just sitting on the computer too lazy to make dinner so I think I’ll skip it and just take meds and go to bed soon.


I work three 12-hour days a week and I am off the other four. I went to see my psychiatrist today. We talked about meds. Afterwards I treated myself to Outback Steakhouse — soo so delicious. Then I went to Michael’s to pick up more washi tape and a sketchbook to do some artwork.


I had my unit cleaned by cleaners today. While that was happening, my partner and i went and had a coffee out. We then did a little grocery shopping. I exercised for about 1 hour. Now i’m showered and ready to see the Elton John concert that’s playing this evening. Very excited.


I ate too much (yesterday). Today, if all goes as planned, I will shower and get dressed, go to Best Buy. Maybe after that, I can clean up in my room a bit. It really needs to be vacuumed. Dog hair is everywhere!

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I made a list of about 20 things I could do with my 3 day weekend. I hope the time is well spent.
Today is Thursday here.


I was concentrating on feeling mentally good today. Did not succeed for the whole day though but I’m trying.

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Bought a beer and cigarettes. Hung out with my fiancée. Anddddd that’s about it. Unless meditation counts haha

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Have you ever thought about doing a blog? It may help you. Your writing skills are interesting and refreshing. Just a thought.


@JustTrish Thanks, that’s a good idea.

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Well I want to talk about what I’m doing tomorrow. I’m getting a pedi, going to my niece’s birthday party, and packing for a trip.