Do you think there are any?
Being an indipendent person and a stronger one that knows how to deal with a harsh life.
Nothing other than having empathy toward disability and mental illness which is nothing in this world.
Learning to face adversity and move past it towards success.
My delusions are better than any normie I’ve ever met.
@77nick77 Plot twist: your delusions are a delusion.
That makes sense, I must be delusional because my delusions are delusional. What a great insight!
I hope you know I was joking d000d.
Of course. And I was joking back.
Creativity, uniqueness, and the fact that we can talk about strange things without being judged as much as others
Originally came here to say this.
To say what? I didn’t understand
What I quoted of your post.
Yeah well this disease causes some inappropriate thoughts by what we consider normal people, but I think it may help later on down the road to purify your thoughts
after getting this disease I think everything ells is easy. Going to war, climbing a mountain. Beeing in a gas chamber.
We are genuinely authentic
It makes us more mentally tough.
I became more empathetic. Also it intestified my synesthesia as well.
i don’t know any strengths really, maybe that we will be more empathic towards other people with MI.
We, at least most of us, are very tolerant. If you have the experience, or have dealt with people who have had a ‘mental llness’(I think SZ is physical, because it isn’t really a mood or personality disorder), then I think it makes you a more tolerant and open minded person. It helps to think on both sides of the road