What could be the strenghts of being a Sz compared to the normal people?

empathy i think

Flat / blunted affect in negative symptom helps to face stressful situations better. Not getting emotionally down quickly like normal also even if it go down can return quickly due to the flat, blunted affect. If depressed persons have this blunted, flat affect they better able to manage their depression. SSRIā€™s and other antidepressants basically creates this blunted affect to manage the depression but with negative symptoms no need of external antidepressants.

Catatonia in schizo have many positive uses. For example can posture in any state for as long as we want. So this can be used to workout, doing exercises, activities like studying, job as catatonia helps individual to prolong the activity without having awareness of time, surroundings and other stimuli. So even the most boring tasks can be repeated many times.

Paranoia in sz helps individuals to do analysis, solve complex problems etc can think out of ordinary. This useful for learning, logical tasks, investigation jobs, games like chess etc.

Hypomania in bipolar helps individuals to work on projects for hours without feeling loss of interest, energy etc.


Most of the people I read about were very intelligent.

Sometimes - creativity, insight, empathy.

No I donā€™t think there are any.

Knowing what true rock bottom is.

Now only if you could get back to good. Youā€™d be invulnerable, mentally.

Yeah, these might be some of the strengths indeed.

Being stronger mentally - we are used to dealing with adversity

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I can withstand stuff that brings normal people to their knees.


Thirding the strong mentality. Normal people would crap themselves if they heard there name shouted in their ear at 2am in bed. And i used to get that alot.

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I wasnā€™t so stuck on myself. I began to notice others with more interest.

Sz made me fly in the skies with grandiose ideas

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when it comes to outside the box thinking. I think sz affected really canā€™t be beat in terms of ability for it? itā€™s completely natural and uncalled for, whether thatā€™s good or bad. Iā€™m not sure.

I think I might be nothing other than someone elseā€™s delusional fantasy and I might cease to exist when they get real. Thatā€™s how dreamy I am.

Enduring. 15characters

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