What book are you reading?

Vet on Call by Marc Abraham - about his first year as an out of hours vet. Funny! Reading lots of animal stories lately and I’m enjoying the therapy they give me :smile: I want a pet so bad… Miss my budgies!

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I don’t usually read books, but last week I was reading about this book! What a coincidence! This book seems very good, it talks about everything that has to do with our bodies and diet, but the bad thing is that you have to follow a very strict “diet” for the rest of your life, with no sugar and processed carbs. That’s why I quit reading it, 'cos I can’t follow this forever.

I thought the book said that eventually you put back everything into your diet except processed carbs, sugar only in one meal a day.

mostly fiction lol

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Yes, ok, I was exaggarating a bit, because I know that if I eat sugar I will need more, so it’s best not to eat at all, which is very hard. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

i think its one of those books that you are suppose to read and read and read again, i think the more you know it the better you can understand what its suppose to say, its not like a normal book but i am not one to say as i struggle with it as well bc i find it hard to read, so i just go with what i have heard and read bits here and there as i go.

Currently reading Louis A. Sass - The paradoxes of delusion

Alice in Wonderland. Becouse i still chase the white rabbit :blush:

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i have been meaning to read a few horrors that i bought but i havent gotten around to it yet,

ones called ‘birthdays for the dead’ another is ‘close to the bone’ and then ‘flesh house’

the titles really intrigued me for some reason, i read the start of the birthdays one and it was very dark and gripping, you just need to remember that it is just a book, just a piece of fiction. but idk if i will ever get around to reading them.

“The Sound of Silence” by Ajahn Sumedho-a book about Theravadan Buddhism-Actually lectures to Buddhist Monks and retreat members by Sumedho.