What book are you reading?

The book is not great to be honest , whereas the first book was more of a psychological thriller , this book embraces the supernatural absolutely , which I don’t like. Its a struggle go get it finishedfinished. The last book I read that I liked was ‘the shock of the fall’

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I have a difficult time reading long books - novels.
It is hard for me to focus - I dont have the patience anymore.

But… I think that I will reread some of the classics - Steinbeck, Hemmingway, Joyce etc…


I’m in the exact same situation as wave, I can’t concentrate long enough to read anything substantial.


I don’t seem to be able to do much reading at the moment, but I am actually reading one that you mentioned, Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna


Rereading Shakespeare is a good experience if you’ve ever been introduced to any of his plays.

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Wow yes good idea, maybe I will give Hamlet another try - thanks @Twang

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If you like food of the gods read dmt: the spirit molecule

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OMG cool! I think we may be reading the same novel, airdebbie! Is the main character named “Douglas”, and his wife’s “Connie”? I’m reading “Us”, by David Nicholls. Just looked up “the story of us” on wiki and it didn’t show any novel with that name. That would be neat if, in fact, we are reading the same novel!

Cheers I’ll look into that. I think I actually also watched a documentary of the same name as that a while back

Dracula. 15 chars

I like Terence Mckenna.

One book I will share is Hummingbirds and Butterflies. In two minutes I am off to scout Mourning Cloaks, Clouded Sulphurs, Eastern Commas, Spring Azures and Zebra Swallowtails. All of these butterflies are making their initial appearances now.

The Catcher in the Rye

Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett. Very sad that there will be no further Discworld novels. :cry:



Foucault:History of Madness. Sincerly recommend

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Tried to read this but it has too many big words for me.

its been a few years since i last read a book.
but i think the last book i read was Kafka on the Shore…actually i dont think i finished it. if i pick up reading again, i guess id finish this book first.

English Romanticism and the Celtic World

I’m reading Zelda about the Fitzgerald saga think great gatsby she was schizophrenic a scholar said you don’t have schizophrenia like a cold you just are schizophrenic.

KGB…the inside story…!!
take care :alien:

History – Rousseau and Revolution by Will Durant.

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