What are you up to

Ive just turned in for the night. My partner is out this evening at a yugioh event and qwertle is in bed. Its nice to have some time to myself.

Anyways what are you up to.


I just went out for coffee. Now I’m gonna see what’s on TV.

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Nice. I love a cup of coffee.

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Currently filling out addresses on Christmas cards :laughing: I know it’s hella early but what can I say- I love sending out cards and the holidays.

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I just got up for the morning here. Completed the triple S and ready for the day. Its payday today too so thats good.

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Just got my mammogram all is good!


Not much just going to stay in bed on Internet take a nap after eat then go back on the Internet

I am on my break at work. It’s my favourite time these weekdays.

It’s 430 a m. Coffee and meds another boring day…

Just had my coffee. Got a good night sleep meds worked. Reading books getting ready for work

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