What are you good at and what are you bad at and would you swap?

Good: learning foreign languages including nailing the accent, being sexy
Bad: logic

If I were given the opportunity to swap my good and bad traits it would be a hard decision… my ability with languages is useless to me as that’s not where my interest lies, but being attractive to women is quite nice. But I feel like being a master of logic could open so many doors…


good at being a supportive good listener, bad at planning. No I wouldn’t swap. This is a great thread.

Hi @automaton .
I have no sexual interest in women.
I can be friends with them and that’s it.

Bad: Schizophrenia
Good : If schizophrenia is cured.

My advice to you, @automaton : why not use your talent with languages to become, say a language teacher ?
Why not?

Good :- All
Bad :- Memories of SZ
I want to swap my city. I sure change where nobody know my past.

I believe my interpersonal skills are good.

I’m bad in the advanced hard sciences (math, biology, chemistry and physics).

I would not switch.

I’m also like that but a little less so (gray-A). As far as being a language teacher, I think it would bore me. Plus artificial intelligence systems are rapidly developing proficiency with languages. They are already superhuman at transcribing speech thanks to advancements in neural nets and Google Translate isn’t half bad for practical purposes, I think it scans large corpuses of parallel multilingual text to help achieve its results. I doubt I could even compete with machines’ ability to teach languages within 5-10 years which is the time frame within which I am trying to return to work. The Singularity Is Near!

I’m good at being artsy, when I have the energy.
I’m bad at cognitive stuff and memory.

I would swap these things, no big deal. But I feel like art is a big part of my personality.

@automaton. Well then. Suppose jobs are really eliminated.
There is really talk about it.Ok then.
So- do what you like!!! Don’t think about jobs or money just do what you like!
For example you like logic- very good!!
Do logic related stuff’ like a book of logic puzzles, chess , mathematics logic related things!
Isn’t it great!!!
And you can enjoy it even if you’re poor at it.
Good luck mate!!!

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I’m good at musical stuff. Also as far as reasoning goes I think I’m pretty at that. At least as far as schizoaffectives go. I’m usually pretty aware politically although I think I’m starting to get tired of hearing about Trump.

As far as bad- I’m pretty overweight but I’m losing a pound a week. I think I was pretty good looking when I was thinner so watch out ladies!
Except it is hard for me to talk to women or anybody when I don’t have a rationale to do so.

I’m good at listening to people, playing guitar, writing, reading and comprehending deep concepts, and drawing.

My weakness is my addictive personality. I drink too much coffee and smoke too many cigs.

Not sure what I would trade.

Good at picking up the wisdom from any story…like hamlet etc.

Bad at math…living my life…making a career.

I would swap.