DNA is feeling gangsterish
I’m feeling upbeat. I want to listen to upbeat music, but both my roommates are asleep and it would be disrespectful of me to wake them up with my noise.
Relaxing with my cat and GF.
Got a lot done today.
Maybe I’ll start drinking more coffee.
I’m mad at myself. I had until 11:59 pm to turn in a paper tonight and I didn’t leave myself enough time to submit it. I had my answer written down and all I needed was three more minutes to transfer it online. If I would have been on here or YouTube just three minutes less instead of wasting hours on them today I would have had a good chance for a good grade.
I am happy and playful and hope to share laughter with others but my heart is sensitive and almost hurting.
My heart hurts in some angles and I humble to it but hope to laugh and love.
I went years with out laughing at all.
I never laughed for years so it’s great to be able to.maybe it’s not often but it does happen.
Trying to sleep.
I need to be up in the morning to intercept a package from the mailman without being detected.
Stealth. And a little dumb luck.
I’m feeling like a nap so I’ve gone to bed for a couple of hours. Later when I get up I need to do some house chores.
I’m feeling tired… :[
Good luck to all !
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