What are we gonna do if they cure us?

I sure as fack don’t want to work if they ever cure us. I wanna stay on disability until I’m 65 years old


lol, I guess I’m going back to work but I kinda like this doing as I please thing I got going now.

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I would start studying or try to find work. I hate that I have nothing going on for me! But that’s life.

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I need to find a wealthy patron who supports my taking pictures all day, every day.


I would be happy to work if there was a cure for my negatives, personally.


If someone could snap their fingers and I’d be cured instantly, I would take all the money I’d usually spend on meds and treatments, and put them in a savings account until I had enough for an all expenses paid trip to Disneyland.
Then I’d buy a house.


Big pharma doesn’t search for cures. They like treatments.


I need improvement in social skills as well as my paranoia gone before I could work again. People love to hate me. I ask if I offended them or did something wrong so I can make amends, but they always say no I didn’t offend them or hurt them but they just don’t like me. I just want to get along, do my job (when I had one) to the best of my ability and have peace. But it’s as if I have a loser victim sign on my head. People are incredibly mean to me. They always have been


I used to feel like you do. I thought the whole wide world hated me and showed it regularly back when I was psychotic. Then, gradually, this feeling went away and I found the world to be benevolent one fine morning (after I was placed on the right combination of AP’s and an AD).

I truly wish the same for you @Pianogal. I will pray for you.


I’m glad you feel better @SkinnyMe

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I’m 61 so, I guess I’m too old to worry about going back to work when they come up with a cure. But, I’ll gladly take the cure if there ever is one.

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Who? I am sure not everyone in the world is mean. I had mean friends I left them and kept those who like me and who also call me everyday.

I would return to university and to work, hangout with friends much more often, travel, go to the gym and bike outside everyday, diet, buy a house, a new car, etc Tons of stuff I cant do due to my severe sz negative symptoms.


I would also shower twice everyday. Once after the morning gym and once before bed.

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F@cking celebrate 151515

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Does it include back pay? Like I wouldn’t have spent all the money I have on my mental illness?

Well, then, I’d buy a new larger house. I’d go back to work. Or I never would have left. If sz is cured, than my kid doesn’t have it either and they can stay in school.

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It’s not going to happen in our lifetimes anyway.


Just think about the possibilities everyone. If there were a cure, we would all know how to be sociable so, we would know how to make friends in real life so, there would be no need for this website. So, that would be a big change for all of us.

Another thing, our cognition would hopefully improve so, for those of us young enough, we could go to school to train for a good paying job so we won’t have to subsist on poverty level income like SSI or SSDI anymore. And since we won’t have sz/sza anymore, we will be able to handle the stresses of a good paying job.

And we will be able to date and or marry who we choose because we won’t have the stigmatizing illness of sz/sza stamped on our foreheads.

And those are only the less obvious benefits.

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Why would you want to stay on disability?

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If I was cured of schizophrenia, I would get married then have kids and earn a decent income at some job supporting my family.