What are some simple things which are difficult for you

Carrying on conversations. Grocery shopping. Exercising-but that may be the meds.

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Shopping and generally leaving the house.

He is abu bagdadi ā€¦!!! Dont know where he is fromā€¦!!

Teeth brushing, showering, getting dressed, cooking, cleaning, can all become extremely difficult to me when off medication. I canā€™t watch tv shows or movies because I canā€™t focus for long enough when off meds too. Pretty much any basic life task is incredibly difficult for me normally, at my lowest point I couldnā€™t even reach over to turn on the light when I was in bed and just sat in the dark for hours until my roommate got back. Bad times.

Luckily I am not like that now w geodon & Wellbutrin.

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Brushing my teeth
Talking on phone
Driving - and getting my license. Itā€™s been four years of driving with a learners permit so far.
Cleaning the house
Getting out of bed in the morning

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Brushing my teeth
Cleaning the flat
Multi step tasks (current big one sorting out stuff and boxing it for the forthcoming move)

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I canā€™t stand watching comedies that are based on awkward social situations. They leave me crawling the wall and I have to leave the room.

I have a horrible time remembering personal hygiene and things like cleaning and doing laundry. The number of events I have set up in Google Calendar is mind-blowing, but they help me function here. Iā€™m coming to accept that this portion of my brain is mostly froozled. I donā€™t understand how I can be labeled the ā€œsmartest person my boss has ever worked withā€ in my performance review this morning and then come home to realize all of my undies are dirty because I wasnā€™t organized enough to do laundry last night.

I donā€™t relax easily. At all. Ever.

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