What Age Were You Diagnosed?

In 2003. I was 23 years old then.

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Bipolar at 15 years (1999) Schizoaffective at 30 (2014)

I separate the two based on when I started hearing voices.


First diagnosed with borderline personality disorder with psychosis NOS at 22 then a few months later I was rediagnosed sz. At 24 I was diagnosed with sza. I’m 31 now.


I was prodromal at 15. First started having paranoid symptoms at 17. Had a total breakdown at 23 but wasn’t hospitalized. Was first hospitalized at 31 and diagnosed with severe, recurrent depression. Was first diagnosed with sza at age 34. Still diagnosed with sza at age 58 today.


I started being psychotic at around 28. I was officially diagnosed last year at the age of 31.

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Symptoms started in my mid 20’s found the right doc in 2010.

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I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder when I was 24. I was correctly diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar 2 type when I was 25. I’m 26 now. My illness started when I was 15, though, very slowly. I had my first break with a hospitalization at 17.

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Wow. so you have been living with it for a while now. I hope you are better. How do you cope? Any advice for me? Were you able to get married? Are you working? I wish you the best

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