What Age Were You Diagnosed?

32.5 huiuyytrrrdghjjuy

first psychotic break at 19 diagnosed recently at 21. it was a quick descent


Symptoms since childhood. Hospitalized at 17, 19, 31, 32, and 33. Didnā€™t know what was happening wasnā€™t real until my counselor saw me responding to what wasnā€™t there at age 32 and told me I was hallucinating.

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Iā€™ve forgetten when my first hospitalizan was or how it all happened. It was in my mid 20s and Iā€™m sure it was pretty dramatic and traumatic.

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I was 22 years old when I had my first break and was diagnosed.

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Iā€™m 20 and I was diagnosed schizoaffective this year, although I had a previous diagnosis of MDD with psychosis since 14.

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I got sick late in life. I was 38. Didnā€™t get a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis until almost 40 but thatā€™s always what it was. I just didnā€™t know it at the time. It took me until I was about 44 to figure out that I actually had it. When I was 45 I finally found a med combo that kinda works.

Now I am 48. So I have been stable for about three years.

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At approximately 35 or 36. I was having symptoms in 1993 or thereabouts when I was 34. My memory is kind of bad, but I really donā€™t remember being disturbed before then. I got sick when I started getting religious and trying to go to church. I thought God was talking to me.

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The ice age it seems like. It was way back in 1980 and I was 19.

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I was diagnosed with psychotic depression at 17 and sz at 25, but all my doctorā€™s believe the sz actually started at 17 and it was just a misdiagnosis of psychotic depression. But still early for being a woman.

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Bipolar 15, schizoaffective 30, currently 34

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I was 18 almost 19 when I was diagnosed with bipolar then sza then sz.
Years later after my relapse i was rediagnosed at 28 with bipolar then sz.
Now at 34 correctly diagnosed with sza.

Psychotic episode at 19
Got meds, quit them end up in a hospital
Psychotic disorder with sz symtoms at 20
Got meds, quit them end up in a hospital
Psychotic episode at 21

Now 22 stable on meds. I donā€™t really know my dz, my doc ask me if I want to be hospitalized for a review and a dz. But I passed. In my city the hospital is old, depressive, destroyed, etc

If I want to be hospitalized Im going to another city where I was hospitalized at 20 and where the paint of the ceiling of the hospital dosent fall. And the chamber for agresive people have at least a window.

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I was 27 years old

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Iā€™ve probably suffered mental illness symptoms since I was around 19, but havenā€™t been formally diagnosed until my mid twenties. Even then, it was psychotic disorder NOS, which somebody told me was a bs diagnosis. Later on, I got slapped with paranoid sz diagnosis. I only half accept it, because I believe some of my so-called fixed beliefs and delusions are actually true, while others I can clearly see are not founded by credible evidence.

I was diagnosed at 23 after spending only a week in a mental hospital. Weird I thought it took like six months to properly diagnose it. Hmmmā€¦

But anyway Iā€™m 26 now and the ā€œofficialā€ diagnosis is schizoaffective bipolar type.


I was 18 when I got diagnosed with sz, and 38 when the diagnoses turned into sza bipolar type.

I was diagnosed at the age of 25 that was in 2012. Iā€™m 31 now better but still not working full time. Couldnā€™t finish college. Still experience some symptoms

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The stone age.blank

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17 I had a psychotic break due to religion.

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