What about Schizophrenia do you hate the most?

I hate that I never have anything to do because I don’t work ( I can’t work don’t even ask). I play guitar but you can only play a guitar so long you know? I have painting class once a week. but that’s an hour. I wish I could read books again. Maybe I’ll try again.


Lack of motivation is one thing, people blaming my partner for my illness. Or I wish I could work. ( I’m so anxious filling out the application I hate to see how bad I am during the interview) I hate the anxiety, the paranoia and hallucinations.

This might seem short-sighted, but right now the cost of it is irksome. Almost $200/month for insurance, not counting $40 copay per pdoc visit, then whatever the meds cost - meds that I wouldn’t be on if the antipsychotics hadn’t caused these problems…high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure. It adds up.

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Not knowing what’s real.

I hate the derealization. I hate feeling that my life doesn’t feel real. I just want the feeling that my life has substance and isn’t influenced by some grand design that doesn’t exist.

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The unrelenting pain.

The bad food. Makes it harder to stand in lines.

Being unsure if I am in the right to ‘blow my top’ over a certain circumstance…or is it just my Sz talking.

the isolation - people talking down to me - the fatigue - the poverty - the instability

sometimes i worry about voices and doing what they say that is the most

That it took my Sister

the bigger picture would be the dehumanizing aspect of the disease: losing touch with family, having the feelings of friendship go away, the isolation, the challenge in pursuing career goals.

the details of the illness is not being able to accurately figure what is happening/ not happening.

The constant tiredness and lack of motivation

i think i hate the paranoia :confused:

With regards to my thoughts on life being a lot about growth, learning & experience - i don’t hate schizophrenia. It has been a hard journey, but i have also learnt a lot. i see it as a great gift.

i don’t really see schizophrenia as a ‘thing’ either. It depends on different definitions, understandings & perspectives as to what ‘it’ all is.

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I wish I knew. I think you are keenly frustrated, like many sz’s. What I hate about schizophrenia is the constant stress, the way my insides are always churning.

Today I’m struggling with some deep apathy and flatness… there was a time that was the least of my problems… but today… I hate it.

I also hate the unsure feeling of “was that real… or head circus?”

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Being trapped in a paranormal hell.

I go walking down the street everyone begins assuming things.

But no, none of that is true really, im just trapped in a paranormal hell. Straight interdimensional horseshit going down here.

There is no ■■■■■■■ chance the eternal beings, the planters of all the seeds, are not just crazy or evil. I really don’t see how they could be kind natured or even know what the ■■■■ they are doing.

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I really despise the paranoia. I’m mildly to moderately paranoid about posting here… it’s very hard to have continuity when I retreat fm life all the time.

I can’t even remember what I hate anymore I just live.