Well I guess schools are shut down indefinitely

My kids will not be happy. Sad day.

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What did you expect?

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They initially said mid April

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Oh Im sorry @FatMama

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Maybe the rest of the school year but not indefinitely


I would be happy as hell

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My sisters have been lounging around the house. They pretty much play videogames all day. Their schoolwork takes them 5 seconds.

It is all kind of a joke. There is no way the online schooling they are doing currently is equivalent to actual school. They may as well have just put everyone on break.

I’m having the same experience with my school. I did my entire work for the week in under an hour. How is that anywhere near equivalent 12 hour 3 day a week clinical shifts in a hospital?

I read an article that said all schools in Virginia were shut down for the rest of 2020. I lived in Virginia all my life and just moved to Oakland, California 6 months ago. I couldn’t figure out if they meant public schools, universities, or both, but doesn’t that seem a bit heavy handed?

We’re online rest of year 3 hours a day. Each kid has to log on after noon each day if not doing the “live” classes from 9-12. I told district no video of my kids in my house, no exceptions. And they’re pushing Zoom, which all over the news here today they showed how hackers get right thru the security the school set up on their Chromebooks.

But it’s like this everything is either pass or fail. All weekly work due Saturdays. Summer school for Kalick to make up for last semester we might be getting a work around because he cannot take several classes next year until he passes the 2 failed. So if no summer school, he loses all next year. It’s a mess. And we’re not the only IEP families dealing with this. Plus he technically failed the 3rd term which ended last friday because he was out for that 7 days medically from influenza B. He was working to catch up, but March 13th was our last school day. He hadn’t been cleared back until Feb 24th, and his classes are like engineering stuff and soldering, etc. Stuff that has to be done hands on for a grade to show your understanding of concepts.

If he gets messed up for next year we’re pulling him out. He’s already gonna be 19 when he graduated because of shitty SD education, I’m not gonna have him being a 20 year old going to school with 14 year old freshmen his graduation year. I see too much ■■■■ that can go wrong, I don’t need some little teen saying something not true and him arrested because he’s legally an adult and due process we all know isn’t always there.

(Alice Cooper lyrics)
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks
School’s out for Summer
School’s out forever!!!
(Yeah I know it’s a bad thing really.

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