Weight Loss Log

Day 3- 169.8 lbs.

I am down from 174! I had been gaining weight rapidly, and now with the help of that website, and I am doing so much better. Granted, I ate whatever I wanted to in Texas, but it was a sort-of vacation and I never get Texas food. Still, I am so happy!


That’s great @Happy_Heather keep up the good work.

You had a pretty good build for snowboarding @Anon10. You probably still could get out there.

Day 1- 272 lbs

Today Day 6- 269.8 lbs

Oh no! I had a really, really bad night! I got tired and was kind of out of it, and I ordered Applebees- a lot of it. I ate french fries and boneless chicken wings. I went over my calorie intake by 1400 calories! Holy moley! Now I don’t know how to make up for it. Maybe 200 less calories a day for 7 days? I don’t know what to do. I feel so awful about myself. I was tired, and I wasn’t thinking straight, and I messed up. :disappointed_relieved:


A cheat meal isn’t a big deal. Once a week sounds reasonable.

Just wanted to chime in. I’m similar in height and weight to you @Happy_Heather. I’m 5’11’’ and just weighed myself at 167.8#. Down 8.6# from the 1st of the year.

Also I binged the other day on 4-donuts and a whole bag of Chex Mix. But in the whole scheme of things its just a blip. I tend to look at the weekly digest on myfitnesspal.com rather than daily calories.

Also pretty excited that now I’m off birth control I dropped a bunch of weight and it is not swinging so wildly. I used to swing 5-6# up or down during my time of the month. Now I am pretty even throughout.

I typed in everything I could from my trip to Texas, and I was eating like 3,000 calories a day! I am trying really hard not to stress over it, and I really wish I hadn’t looked it up and added it to my food diary. :open_mouth:

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day 6
3 shakes + a bit of extra shake
10 pasta shapes
a glass of lemon infused water
a few licks of soup
a tiny nibble of a fruit pudding
2 very small bites of chicken in a sauce
4 cloves of roasted garlic
3 cups of veg stock
3 tsp capers

scared i’m losing the idea of fasting


So I was 240Ibs then lost weight till I was 170ibs then started a new med and went up to 230. Needless to say I stopped the med and am working out now.

SO starting weight: 230
Current weight: 220
I start week three today.
Diet: One meal a day usually dinner! I had ribs and mashed potatoes today with broccoli.
Exercise: I do an hour of cardio a day still need to work on muscle stuff…

Here is to hoping after I lose it all this time I wont gain it back. (Thanks seroquel )

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Day 1- 272 lbs

Day 7- 269.6 lbs

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2/4 215
2/11 212.4

My goal is to be 185 pounds.

Day 1- 272 lbs

Day 8- 269.4 lbs


Day 1- 272 lbs

Day 9- 269 lbs

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I wish I had a lot unfortunately I’m so fat I just gave up

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I just had to lose weight because of metabolic syndrome and a fatty liver. If you are healthy and comfortable being overweight that’s completely fine.


I’m so fat I have to iron my pants in the driveway

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What is your weight?

I am 75 kgs …

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haha you aren’t fat

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