We eat strangely on weekends like this

My daughter made herself nachos for brunch.
For early supper we had chicken fingers and tater tots.
Now early evening my son and I are having mac and cheese and my daughter is having baby potatoes.


Today was leftover day at my house. We are a weird hodgepodge of food too.


Like with your hands or chopsticks or a straw or something?

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I’m a little slow today. Froze my brain. So I’ll lol with a confused look :woozy_face:

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Eating food with your hands, chopsticks or a straw is pretty strange, right?

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Straw may be a little odd. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This Saturday I will be having honey dew, cauliflower rice, kale salad, gluten free chicken nuggets, maybe I will make myself some iced coffee by blending strong coffee with ice and soymilk and honey (because I am out of sugar).

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I had cold baked beans for a 9pm snack.

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I just got it. Wow slow brain. Yikes

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Lol, well, better late than never. :slight_smile:

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Yeah one thing that is difficult is to feed kids healthy food because as soon as they touch the “bad” stuff that’s all they want. At least you can draw the line on too many sweets.

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Enjoy it. First rule of food. I know a lot about that because my waistline and me have a permanent battle!

I need to get more healthy and it’s just been so tempting lately. Routine is good for me and that has been all over the place. Oh well…There’s always tomorrow!

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