Waiting to be killed TW

Sat outside no one said ■■■■. Not yet. Still hearing death threats every night. Last one : I’m gonna pop you in the head. You go for it much rather have done it myself. Merry fecking Xmas darling.

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you are ill…still…that’s all.


Still delusional and crazy

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I’m afraid so…sorry @roxanna it breaks my heart to see you so scared.

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Your not alone … I’ve been to a similar place. I’m sorry ur going through right now…

I heard them say no one’s going to shoot her.a few mins ago. Above me. Starting point of leaving insanity.

Are you worse at night when its late?

Try to stay calm and breathe, count breaths , in and out to 10. Ring your helpline if you need someone to talk to or family if they help

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Thank you ducky it happens during the night but goes a little away during daytime.

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I understand because i am always worse at night. Have you any prn? Meds to calm you
May want to get to bed where you can feel safer

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Yeah. I go to bed early usually. I really take a prn but try to take my meds with me when I go somewhere. I need to get my head out of my ass and learn to ignore people. It’s mostly yelling obscenities at me and death threats. Idk anymore.

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That’s awful you have to live there. I don’t know what to do either. It’s so difficult to move.


I’m getting grief from the other people living in the same housing development too.

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