i am having trouble. My voices are waking me up from sleep? Does anyone else have this problem? My tdoc has had me write down what they are saying and wants to talk about it. He says that instead of believing the line of crap that they are telling me that I should take a honest logical look at it and see if it’s true. They talk about what a worthless human being I am and that I would be doing the world a service if I would just die. When we talk about them, they get very loud and I can’t hear him talk. Do your voices ever get that loud? My pdoc says that I am treatment resistant and has me on the best AP for me- I am SZA depressive type. I’d like to find out if I am alone.
Can’t really relate to any of that. Must be terrible though.
I’m sure that many people love you. You would leave a hole in their hearts if you were to perish.
Ignore them as best you can. It’s the best way to fight them. I’m sorry they wake you up at night.
Take care.
so sorry you have such hateful voices. I have had mean hateful voices also and sadly, like you, they start at wakeup time and while in a morning stupor feeling, I see and hear things as I go to the wakeup bathroom etc and then I walk my dog and smoke cigs and pray while it takes an hr or more to feel like an ok enough person - that I really am - and to face the rest of the world out at breakfast and onward.
I dunno why sz voices are usually hostile - as the literature says they are too - seems like totally unwarranted attacks, hate, and abuse from a demon like source that is not our fault nor any light and goodness which is Our God above.
I also did not get much help (treatment resistant) from anti-ps BUT ativan and similar anti anxiety meds (originally for me, a Valium my mom gave me) work best for me at alleviating voice attacks. Please stay alive and do not let “them” win.
I have made it from 20 to 65 yrs old now.
wishing you love, peace, sanctuary, and joy
Thank @Unk I have only been aware of my diagnosis since 2013. Before that I was never concerned and the pdoc never said anything to me. He has only talked about eliminating stress and making mini goals and going to therapy. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that I became no longer able to work and had decompensated so much that he told me to apply for social security that I probably won’t ever go back to work, and filed I might not have known. I was very upset when I found out. Within a week, I was hospitalized. So I am still learning about this disorder. I wasn’t aware that others had such vicious voices. Where do they come from?
Hello saphire2014
My voices started last June I am now 45 years old and before that time I had never had any symptoms of hearing voices. I have a mild onset of yearly depression usually in the fall but this problem began in the summer when i am at my happiest.
“where do they come from”
They come from many places and many worlds. the soul has two parts the mind the part that becomes us and then the mind of the soul the part that stores all of our memories of past lives. The voices are coming from within your souls mind as this is where they attach themselves. Do you have astral experiences or obes? Inside your souls mind there is a you there and this you there is the thing they are within but it is the mind of saphire that is hearing them from inside your souls mind. The voices or souls within your souls mind hear your thoughts and can feel your feelings within this place. They are like flies on your mind and they can hear everything you think about. Think about this, if I was inside your mind and could only hear your thoughts and could not understand them how would I react to these thoughts. We create these feelings and thoughts about things and they become vicious about these thoughts. You are the one that feels worthless because of things that have transpired in your life you have feelings of inadequacies and the thoughts of just needing things to change in your life these are the thoughts they see and hear everyday. The problem with them saying these things back to us is they can also effect our emotions and push our mind into repetitive thinking and set triggers. try to explain things in your mind as images as they can not understand your thinking but can understand images just fine. Try to move away from triggers and reinforce your thoughts with good thinking of body and health they will change and you will also. good luck to you
Hi Saphire2014,
Firstly, I disagree with the previous posters personal imagination guesswork answers about voices.
Now, back to attempting to help, I ask, when you were working and seeing a therapist as you seemed to say, were you taking anti=-p medication then? and did you have voices when during the time you were employable?
I ask, bc, (I take stelazine, an old med, but) risperdol, zyprexa, seroquel, etc - which my DR, on different occasions, tried to change me to yrs ago - all caused voices and hallucinations like bad LSD to me when I wasn’t seeing or hearing things before taking them. So, each person has his/her own biochemistry. Thankfully, these meds work good for others but not me - terroristic. Only stelazine doesn’t set me off. Many yrs ago - even mellaril set me off.
Oh, I was taught that these “symptoms” we have are a “bleed through” from our “collective unconscious” part of our mind, and somehow, we hope to close that door w treatment and with love and kindness.
Hello unk
I talk to my voices every day all day long. I have had thousands of astral projections and obes in my life time and have seen these things within myself over many times and many years. You suppose I am incorrect in my assessment of this and then make the same statement at the ending of you response.
Is it so difficult to believe that the consciousness is within the mind of the soul not unconscious but aware and experiencing with us. Your soul is in two parts the part that is experiencing and the part that is our true self within our souls mind. If you destroy your mind with drugs and unk’s mind then the soul experiencing this his mind will also fail as he is you inside you. The thing is the soul itself will not suffer from this for it is protected from this. The voices are souls and they are within this mind as a problem brought on by those that seek to become something here again.
How many people on here are on full doses of medication and still can at will if they look there find these voices again and again. The medications they fix the problems of the mind increase serotonin levels and remove paranoid thoughts that are the triggers that the voices use against you. The thing is the voices get better with the removal of these stimuly and triggers or thoughts about thoughts.
The goal here for Saphire2014 & for me - is to have quiet and privacy in our own minds. To be free of intrusive voices and hallucinations. To live a life w people and activities we choose. To be empowered and voices hurt our empowerment.
If you would rather talk to voices all day, that is your choice. I hope it brings you joy …
Her question “where etc” was a rhetorical one AND a frustrated cry … Not a philosophical one. Please, don’t change the direction and purpose of her thread. Thx
Hello Unk
I am happy with my voices they do not bring me pain or discomfort but I also know where they come from and how they are speaking in my mind and the minds of others. I answered her question and was not trying to change the direction of this thread as you seem to believe. the voices hear thoughts about thoughts and these thoughts are ones you hold of yourself or question creating triggers that provoke them.
My voices are there all night long and every time I awaken from sleep, they are more noisy just prior to me going to sleep but I control my thoughts and speak to them this allows me to have no problems with them. When I am in conversation with others they fall to the back ground and when I am working they also fall to the background or help me with set task. I think I am more then qualified to respond to her thread and find that my method seems to work fine with no medications. Control your thoughts and explain things to them within yourself and the voices will understand you and they will give you the quiet you seek. Explain things in thoughts like this.
Thought ----- I think I am a fat loser and everyone hates me.
They respond — Your a fat loser and you should kill yourself. first trigger to kill yourself
Thought---- I am fat. triggers thought they are going to tell me to kill myself
They respond ----- kill yourself your fat this trigger just digs itself deeper and deeper into your thoughts that trigger them to say these things as you think of this.
To change this trigger
thought------ I am not so fat their are people that are much fatter then me, I love life and who cares what other think of me I love myself.
The more times you reinforce these thoughts the more they will understand you and try and help you to understand yourself also. Be strong inside and be in control.
the method of imagining the problem is like this
I am not fat and love others. In your mind show yourself in comparison to someone that is fat they will understand this then try showing yourself as mad and why your mad and what has caused you to become unhappy.
This last part is important because they do not understand death. Show in your mind what you think death is and how it effects you. Show how something dies and what happens to you when you die.
My voices can see through my eyes and can talk through me and can control me if i allow them to as they become themselves inside of me. Prior to them becoming something here to see through my eyes I can show them things with imaginations this allows them to understand things prior to them becoming themselves.
@Unk thank you for your responses. I have had voices sinces I was eight years old. Back then it was only one voice and it was an occasional whisper. As I have gotten older, the voices have increased. I now have nine distinct voices that I can make out if I sit listen long enough. One is the voice of a helpless child, two are women, the rest are men. Of the nine, five I can identify with people in my life. Seven are cruel and aggressive. In the past three years, I have gone from having five voices to nine. I also have been hospitalized twice in the past three years and became unable to work. I have been on APs for the last 7 years. The pdoc has tried five so far. I did go six weeks without voices, but then my doctor told me I had ovarian cancer and they came back. I am healthy now but the voices have never left since.
Hello Powessy,
I mean you no disrespect nor bad feeling. I hope Saphire2014 can discover what meds for her actually do; and if any work counter to her needs (and to the dr’s expected response - by the book - which is different than that for some - like me) her needs to quiet and extinguish the voices she hears which hurt her; and to hopefully find a med and or supplement(s) and treatment plan which in fact works better for her.
Peace Up, Unk
@Saphire2014 … I am glad your cancer is healed!!! BUT, not happy to hear about your voices experiences. To me the voices, whoever they sounded like that I might recognize - voice not verbal content - were, to me, merely ventriloquistic.
a friend once said, the devil uses tiny bits of “truth” or “plausibility” in his attacks at humans and it is that as-if “truth” that gives it any power …
another offered the advice of seeing a Dr/therapist who specializes in multiple personalities in an attempt to integrate the voices while those Drs usually are integrating a whole set of personalities - I dunno???
I commend you for going to work and being employed all that time while having voices also!!
I hope others here can offer a wisdom that opens the way to follow to a happier, more peaceful life