Video Game Thread 7.0

Anything that gets you moving and sweating is a win!



I haven’t read through all the posts, but is anyone getting the new Battlefield? It looks so good!


Yep. Especially when you’re on one or more APs.

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I will get it, but I play more Call of Duty.

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Look what arrived.



Thanks. I bet you feel like Oliver Twist asking for one more helping.

It’s never enough for ya huh?


I’m jealous of course of Raptors.


I loved arcades as a kid. Only got to watch, couldn’t ever afford to play. Getting back the 80’s arcade experience I missed out on the first time around.

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Sorry dude. Did you at least get a little pin ball action? My dad dragged me to every bar within Fifty miles so I played lots of pinball and arcade games.


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So did I, played quite a bit and watched a lot. There were 3 arcades in town in the 80s-90s and it seemed like every convenience store at 2 or 3 arcade machines in the back. Same with bars.


Used to play the pinball game called Taxi for hours at the bar. Heck! I had unlimited quarters so I wasn’t bothering my drinking dad.



I worked as a cook at a sports bar in high school. We had a pin ball machine, I can’t remember the name, and the Cruis’n USA video game. We spent a lot of time playing it when there was nothing to do.



Oh wow! Haven’t thought about that game in years. It was so much fun. Parents would give us tickets for the casino arcade while they went…and lost as much as possible.



Managed to make it through Green Day’s Minority in Beat Saber at 100% strikes 3x in a row. Now to try expert level…


I tried playing my Xbox One a little, but found the load times to be excruciating compared to Series X. I really got used to it, like Skyrim where all loading times are under two seconds. SSD really is a huge upgrade over HDD.


Possible to upgrade the old unit to SSD?

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I think it is possible actually. Don’t know why I didn’t look into that sooner, back when I was modifying my first PS4.

Not sure how a modified Xbox One’s load times would compare with the Series X though. In theory they should be about the same.

Okay, looked, it’s doable.

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I think FramesDirect shipped my lens inserts by camel. Still in the warehouse.

its better to just use an external ssd for the games because on the original xbox one the usb is actually capable of faster transfer speeds than the sata as its only sata 2

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how long have u been playing skyrim? lol i feel like u are one of those people who have been playing skyrim for multiple years and always find something new to do. i read it takes over 220 hours to reach 100% completion in skyrim

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