Vibrations in penis still present from sarcosine after 3 months

in 15 secs intervals during day, not constant, had my urine and blood checked
both came out negative for infections

could it be prostatitis? or am i way off, i took 1 grams twice daily when it started… now its less but i still have it i’m very worried

Well if it’s less, maybe it’s going away. Maybe it’s nothing to do with sarcosine. Sounds annoying though. All you can do is keep in touch with your doctors.

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Not to worry @jeroenp it will clear up in time could be somthing entirely different going on best to check in with your doctor and further tests if needed.

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I noticed i have been taking Seroquel XR 50 mg for about 1 week and few days and the vibrations are lot less

weird stuff, i know it was induced from sarcosine…


Its strange maybe your nerves are being effected by the stuff.

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then that’s just too bad i’m off it for 3 months, i was starting to feel great

Never had vibrations ‘down there’ from sarcosine. Would be doubling/tripling the dose if that were the case.
