Vet trip after a rough night

Flash accidentally ate ant poison yesterday, had to go to the vet this morning.

She had weird neurological issues late last night.

She’s alright now, just keeping an eye on her today to see if she gets any worse, but she’s way better today than she was last night. Gave me a hell of a scare. We’re scrubbing the house today, so there isn’t a chance this happening again.

Hope she doesn’t get any worse.

Next time I won’t listen to my mother and go to the vet right away, we got lucky she’s getting better but she could be worse… my mom tends to think it’s never serious, and I tend to catastrophize everything.


Hope she’s Okay Now…!!!

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Cats are always so curious by nature and every so often they stick their little nose where it doesn’t belong. I’m glad Flash is recovering and doing well.

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She is @far_cry0, she’s sleeping now.

@Moonbeam yeah, scared the hell out of me, the vet said it’s probably nothing to worry about. If she has more issues I’ll take her to the vet forher to be under observation and treatment, but it probably wont be necessary.

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Hope she is Ok, flash. And I also feel sorry for ant.

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I can’t get my cat to eat anything but Meow Mix seafood medly cat food. I even put out a can of tuna for him. He barely ate any of it.

I didn’t know you have a cat :slight_smile:

He’s kind of a community cat, but I’m the one who feeds him and scratches him, so he is loyal to me.

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That’s sweet. What’s his name?

A lot of cats that are used to cat food don’t like anything else, I wouldn’t worry about that, it’s a trait not a problem. My other cat, Picci, asks us for food when we’re eating dinner but only eats exactly three bites :smile:

His name is Flufferboots. A girl who he belonged to before I moved into the apartments named him.


Hey @Minnii.

So sorry your cat got poorly but is great to hear she is ok now. I would have been extremely stressed out by the whole thing.


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I’m still shaking, with a knot in my stomach. Fell asleep crying thinking she would die while I was asleep. But she woke up better and I took her straight away to the vet, I’m keeping a close watch on her, it will probably be alright. I think I’ve should’ve gone to the vet sooner, but my mom thought she could handle it. Ugh, I’m so pissed at my mom right now. Flash did handle it, but it was an extremelly dangerous decision to make.

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Sounds horrible. I can see why you are mad at your mum. But I don’t think she was intentionally being flippant about flash - maybe she didn’t realise how Ill she was. I don’t know.

Just keep an eye on flash for a good while. Lots of tlc :heart:


Yeah, I know, I just want someone to blame. It’s stupid of me to be mad. Especially if nothing happened.

I made my mom promisse if something like this ever happens again, we go to the emergency vet right away, and she agreed. She was worried too, of course.


From Now on Don’t keep fatal substances near the reach of ur Pet…It can be dangerous…!!!

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Of course, it wasn’t exactly in her reach. We don’t know how it happened, the vet says she probably ate an ant that had it.

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@Minnii I’m sorry that Flash got sick, I am glad that she is doing better.
I love my dog, and when he ate a piece of cookie with chocolate on it, my father and I both freaked out!
Chocolate can be very dangerous to a dogs health, they can die from consuming too much chocolate.

We called a couple of Animal Hospitals and they said that because he ate a small amount that he should be fine.

We kept an eye on him for a long while, and he was fine.

I tend to catastrophise a lot also - my father was actually freaking out! :slight_smile:

I kind of handled it pretty well under the circumstances.


Awwww poor kitty cat! Glad she’s ok

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My sis just called up said she and her dog stepped on a beehive and they both got stung multiple times. Both my sisters puppy and ur kitten had an uh oh moment today.

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Oh man poor puppy, this is scary for animals :frowning2:

Thank you though, ttp and @Wave

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