Through neglect I developed gum disease. I have worked hard to remedy this. Used medicated mouthwash and interdental brushes.
It has 90% improved but my top right last two interdental spaces bleed when brushed. Is really annoying.
If I am honest with myself I really thinking vaping is contributing to the problem. I hope I can quit.
Got the dentist on the 19th - wanted to have gotten over the bleeding before seeing him but alas no
Good luck with the dentist appointment.
I hate going and sometimes I procrastinate with check ups.
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Having better dental hygiene is great,
But your bleeding gums and periodontal issues aren’t going to clear up with just a change of routine.
You have to get a professional cleaning and start flossing.
I know,
Flossing sucks.
I’m just saying that it’s not your fault your gums aren’t totally better with the extra effort,
They just need a cleaning.
No matter how much you brush or floss at this point,
That calculous is not going to brush off.
Oh I floss with interdental brushes (on top of regular toothbrush).
They look like this. They cause the bleeding but my dentist said this would happen
March 4, 2024, 3:38pm
I am rubbish at looking after my teeth
What age did you get the issues with your gums?
Aged 40. Pretty sure the vape is responsible in my case.
Only happened post vaping
Paradontax mouthwash is really good for bleeding gums.
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Will check it out thanks!
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So I think I am maybe making progress. No blood after flossing for the last week. Man I hope this is a good sign. I lost a tooth a few months ago and I don’t want to lose more
So went to the dentist today. He said all the work I have been doing on my oral hygiene is working.
He said the inflammation is down and that they are now far less likely to bleed.
He said quitting smoking is a good idea. I said I hadn’t smoked tobacco in a long while and am currently 3 days off vape.
I would love to quit vaping - I am confident I am giving it a good try. Like I say 3 days vape free. Am only using gum now.
I’m in the same boat as you @el_Jimbobbio . My gums are receding. I’m also using tePe brushes and a medical mouthwash. I haven’t stopped vaping yet though. I reckon its corrosive.
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Problem is I don’t think there have been many good studies looking at vaping and oral health. Is hard for the dentists to advise how to go
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March 19, 2024, 6:43pm
Can you vape through your nose?
Keep the best of both worlds…
My dentist told me it’s just as bad as smoking I’m thinking baccy is healthier for my gums.
June 22, 2024, 6:44pm
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