Update on our Covid journey

My hubby made it through. It was a hard four days but he’s fully recovered. Two of my children have symptoms, but they are weathering through. They are fully vaccinated, so I’m hoping they won’t have it hard.

I had to go to the hospital. Turns out both lungs were partially collapsed, many of my bronchial tubes are completely blocked, but I do not have pneumonia. It is enlarged my liver, and effected my pancreas, triggering pancreatitis, which I did not know could happen. So my immune system is getting a beating. They spent a good deal of time giving me meds to expand my lungs, and sent me home with more meds. They said my bronchial tubes are damaged, but they don’t know if it’s permanent. Good news though as I am high risk I can get the antibodies via iv tomorrow. I’ve heard only good things about it so I hope it helps.

This is my advice to you if you can get vaccinated, do. Even for vaccinated folks it is a rough disease. I honestly don’t know if I will get through this, and much of me is doubtful, but it’s certainly been a journey.


How you get better soon @anon55031185

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Ihope you are able to heal and quickly.

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Feel better soon @anon55031185!
Please hang in there!

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Wow. That’s awful! I hope the meds help. I hope you feel much better soon

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oh no, I’m so sorry. Horrible news…I do hope you get well soon…sorry.

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Keep fighting. Take the antiviral and hopefully everything will be ok.

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How scary.

I hope the IV will help you.

I will never understand anti-vaxxers but I guess people’s lives are their own.

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I hope you’re better soon. I know it’s hard in the meantime.

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This is scary as this virus affected not only your bronchial tubes and lungs, but also your pancreas and liver. I hope the medicine your doctor gave you takes effect soon.

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Just saw your post @anon55031185
Get through this. I hope they throw everything at it and keep you comfortable.

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Hope things go well for you @anon55031185 . Hang in there.

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