I could use some advice. I had a date yesterday and she acted in some ways that make me wonder if I want to date her. The first thing that bothered me was that when I picked her up she got into my car with an open beer which I could get in a lot of trouble for as the driver. The next is she didn’t say thank you for anything. I picked her up and drove her home and I paid for the six pack we shared. The other thing is that at my house she went over and helped herself to my friend’s gin without asking and then offered me some. She also didn’t say goodbye to my mom as we were leaving. It just seems like she doesn’t have any manners which are important to me. I just don’t know how I should feel about her. Any advice?
sounds like you dated a real winner. Certainly not the marrying type but maybe fun on a lark. Maybe she just pushes people away.
I’m confused. I’m assuming you’re a girl. Am I correct?
Yes I am a girl. I’m bisexual.
She sounds rude. Maybe don’t date her again?
That’s what I’m leaning towards Caroline but what do I tell her?
You could just tell her that you don’t feel you two are right for each other, or something like that.
If you hear from her again, just be honest and say you are not interested, if that’s how you feel.
It depends on what type of person you are. Do you like the ‘bad girl’ type? She sounds like trouble to me. It could be simply bad manners. But it could be a lot more and a harbinger of future bad behaviur from her. I’m not sure. Do you want to give her the benefit of the doubt and give her another chance? Getting in the car with a beer is a little too familiar for my taste and a tiny bit disrespectful. I mean getting in a car with an open beer on the first date shows she likes to party. If you like to party then you found a companion, a partner. I couldn’t imagine that if a person who only occasionally has a beer, would have that occasional beer on a first date. By her doing that it shows me that she has more than an occasional beer. Maybe a lot more. But if you want to hang around that type of person then you know a little bit of what you’re getting into.
Steer clear my friend!!! As a female and a former ■■■■■■■/drunk, I can tell this is not a person you should revisit. Good luck
She could be a free spirit who has trouble connecting on an emotional level, I am familiar with that type.
I would be cautious, and make sure she doesnt have borderline tendencies. I married a heartless borderline, and she nearly destroyed me.
A person is on their “best” behavior on a first date. Consider that’s as “best” as your going to get. It wont get any better than that first time.
It’s up to you as to what you tolerate in a mate, as for me, open containers of alcohol are only allowed in the trunk, and if she were to want to drink it, that’s where she’d have to be.
Why bother with trouble, unless you like drama.
Yeah, that’s what I wanted to say too. If that’s her best behaviur, imagine what her worst will be.
That right there doesn’t sit well with me. Even when I was psychotic and going through some of my darkest days, the bare minimum of respect was still paid. I still at least said thank you. I agree with Wave. Borderline gal, or just plain rude and disrespectful, you might want to rethink this.
You’re here pondering; so her actions don’t sit well with you. That tells me, there is an inner bell going off… other wise you’d be fine with her behavior. I’d say listen to that inner bell.
Wow umm thats one rough girl…she jumped in your car with an open beer, shared a six pack with you and opened the nearest bottle of liquor without asking? What is she, a raging alky? I mean that’s pretty damn weird. That’s what frat boys do when they hangout.
Did you at least get a good conversation with her? This kind of makes me laugh it, it reminds me of a fictional character or something.
I have a friend who swears that physical attraction is the number one thing you need in a significant other. Let me tell you he is wrong. Physical is so far down the list to make things work. SunGirl if you are sitting there disgusted by her actions but intrigued by her beauty, the attraction is only physical. Bad news.
Thanks for replying everyone. Good advice. I think I’m going to trust my gut on this one.
I hope you take this as a joke. But I heard a comedy bit by Dennis Miller ( SNL many years ago.) He went off on a rant about sexuality. He said being gay is fine, but people who are bi-sexual are just plain greedy. Lol. They want the best of both worlds!