When I did my studies I was on a low dose of 8mg Perphenazine an antipsychotic and highest dose of antidepressant Nortryptaline. Now I take a dose of 24 mg Perphenazine and same dose of Nortryptaline with 7 mg of Abilify added. Now I am learning about how to rent houses and real estate. I have more concentration and focus now. At first I was intimidated but now I am becoming more acclimated to dealing with houses and things. I am glad to hear you are still capable of good grades and desire them. Nothing but good things have come from my studies. I handle stress better and I’m comfortable with using my mind.
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I’ll do my best!! Atleast I really hope I will succeed @chemwex
@Dude1 seems we both are learning and will learn new things!! That’s very good
Yeah all the knowledge helps in life. That’s why I also love reading and learning new things
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Literally that’s all you need to give it your all, that’s all
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