Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) - Significant GUI Changes

Here are some screenshots of the development version of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish). Very significant changes in the GUI I must add. Look at the images yourself.


I will 22.04 install.


I am using Ubuntu for about 12 years. I like it very much! Much more better than windows.
I am also interested in a Chromebook.


I installed Windows 11 on my laptop when it first came out but I left an empty partition on my NVMe SSD ready for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Is that the default theme? Why is it going darkmode? I hate darkmode! (or maybe I’m just not used to it)

Can’t wait for April 21st!


I’ve been using it for a long time too, i can’t remember when I switched over permanently, maybe around 12.04 LTS. I stick to LTS releases.

I started using Linux in the late 90s. Before I switched over to Ubuntu I did a lot of distro hopping, but then I got lazy, lol, Ubuntu was easy to install, setup and use, plus it is popular and well supported, and there is so much documentation on the Internet regarding Ubuntu its easy to find the info you want so I settled on it…

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Dark Mode is not the default theme. I just like Dark Mode that’s all since I use my Dell XPS 13 9300 in the dark most of the time.

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i am on windows 11. i love it.

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I never used any single “feature rich” desktop environments for more than a month. Of all the flavours available for GNU/Linux, I actually liked Ubuntu Unity the most.

I use Xorg with i3-wm and some terminal emulator (konsole, mlterm, urxvt) for more than a decade now. Both for work and for fun. Never felt that I needed anything more.

Now I am trying to switch to Wayland with Sway compositor. It still lacks some features and support that are important to me, even years after I first checked it out.

Xorg was always a mess and a pain to deal with. I briefly looked into this desktop environment you mentioned here, but I couldn’t figure out if it supports Wayland or what widget toolkit it uses. I probably looked in wrong places. I looked on the screen captions that you provided closer, apparently it is still built on X11. Blergh. Even though GTK supports Wayland, and GTK is under GNOME.

My life for Debian.


Linux video games support improved a lot since Steam Linux version is out but its not yet where Windows is. A few years ago I tried Ubuntu and OpenSuse to play Steam games but only some of my games were available on Linux, Tomb Raider, Counter Strike, etc


Speaking of GNU/Linux gaming. I “cooked” two old laptops (2000s manufacture) playing World of Warcraft and Skyrim on WineHQ. What they told me on LinuxQuestions, among other things, was that the drivers for GPUs are just flawed that way. ASUS had Invidia card, I believe, and Accer had some ancient weak AMD card. Bummer.

So the question of hardware and graphics API support for games on GNU/Linux can be a serious one.


Do you know what sucks about Ubuntu 22.04 LTS? The keyboard shortcuts from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS have changed. I need to relearn all the shortcut keys such as maximize, restore, minimize, tile left and tile right. Very annoying.

I love Ubuntu. Saved my butt once. Last version I used was 21.04 :slight_smile:

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