Top five famous actors with leprosy

Owen Wilson
Jim Carrey
Tom Cruise
Toby McGuire
Dwayne Johnson

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Most of Hollywood is American pro war propaganda. I find it difficult to watch any of that stuff anymore.


I like Tom Cruise as a actor. I don’t research what actors do on their own time and try to not mix their personal life with their work. The only thing I know about him other than his acting is that he is in the scientology church.

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What do you mean by leprosy?
Isn’t that a rare serious disease to have?

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Kind of funny bit of a spoof on an attention grabbing headline and i guess saying they have leprosy is ironic in some ways as they are the opposite of lepers

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But maybe there is a bit of malicious intent to malign as saying cooties to impose a stigma on them that is symbolic of some other quality they have that is disliked


15 characters

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I had to cover all the bases

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I don’t understand this thread
Oh well

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If you type Dwayne Johnson and leprosy in google, this post comes up as the top search. Well done @77nick77 btw, he never had leprosy……


I think there’s an important lesson here.

Please. Do not believe everything you read on the internet as truth.

Especially this post in particular! :slight_smile:


If someone has leprosy what do you traditionally do?

Explaining Nick’s joke for the cognitively challenged… :smiley:

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