Tomorrow I'm gonna pump in the painkillers

And get some stuff done around here. I can’t be a complete baby over my sore back. For christ’s sake I gave birth to 4 kids. I’m sure I can tough this out.


I have a bad ankle from breaking it three years ago. Long story short I didn’t give it time to heal after surgeries. I get ibuprofen from the doctor. Sometimes I’m fine with just one other’s it’s excruciating and I take them every 6 hours. anyway just don’t go over board I took too much pain meds once and got very sick

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I hope your not using opioids @FatMama.


No just typical painkillers. Nothing bad


I hear ya! Get to feelin’ good and clean the hell outta your house! I did the same thing two days ago. Always in moderation…of course :wink:

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Bad influence. Sowwy.

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IDK. At my age toughing it out is all good and fine but now my confidence in my ability to heal is shaken.

What I mean is that I had all kinds of injuries as a kid growing up. Some serious, some not so serious. I injured my back a few times too but I always assumed it would heal and be good as new.
But when I hurt my back three years ago, I thought with a little time it would be OK. Then I had a rude awakening when I realized that there was no guarantee it would get better. I tried to force myself to go to work and do things as usual but that made it worse.

It was a sobering thought. I’ve always trusted my body until about ten years ago.(I’m 58) I had confidence that my body was tough enough to lift heavy stuff, to do physical work for years, to have stamina and endurance. Then I was doing a split shift at my park ranger job in my forties and for the first time in my life my body wouldn’t obey my mind. I got off an 8 hour shift at one park and then they wanted me to eat lunch and then work a 6 hour shift at a park across town afterward. I was tired but I thought I could do it but my body just didn’t have the strength to push through it as I was used to.

But anyways I wrote all this to caution you. As you well know, you lose physical health as you get older and you lose some of your ability to bounce back and recover from various physical issues.
I remember my dad telling me that he went through this too in his fifties.

You know what you’re capable of more than me but once your back gets bad like mine did from years of heavy lifting and pushing myself to do physical things, sometimes if you’re not careful you will have to live the rest of your life babying your back and having to worry about injuring it more.


I also wonder how quickly I’ll be able to heal. I’m 50 and by no means in good shape. I need to be well enough for my kids.

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My wife says in lieu of pain meds a strong core to hold you up straight is necessary for a hurting back. weight lifting, sit ups, floor exercises and they have physical therapy books that give you easier exercises to strengthen the places oppositional to the pain… It may hurt but you can do more rest often go back to it.

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