Do we know what causes thought disorder?
The cause of thought disorder isn’t well known.
Thought disorder isn’t a symptom of any particular disorderTrusted Source,
but it’s commonly seen in people with schizophrenia and other mental health conditions.
The cause of schizophrenia also isn’t known, but it’s thought that biological, genetic, and environmental factors can all contribute.
Thought disorder is loosely defined and the symptoms vary widely,
so it’s difficult to find a single underlying cause.
Researchers are still debatingTrusted Source about what might lead to the symptoms of thought disorder.
Some believe it might be caused by changes in language-related parts of the brain,
while others think it could be caused by problems in more general parts of the brain.
As you read,if you do not know what sz is,you can not know the ID of the schizophrenic factor itself (the dysfunction factor ),therefore it is impossible to know the mechanism that inducing the disorder in the higher cognitive processes by action of the dysfunction factor (Hall.)
It seems that usually come back to the conclusion that schizophrenia doesn’t exist , no matter what the topic is .
Are you diagnosed with a psychotic disorder of any kind @panoramic202 ?
What is the final obstract objective difference between the saying of a person with sz and the researcher ?
it is said that in all scientific reports,the person with sz believes that he sees things,while the external observers think that these things do not actually exist in the place-time of the natural environment
the researcher believes that,a random or organized union between gene(s) and some environmental factor is the cause for the person seeing what he sees !
the paradox
non of them has so far been able to prove with objective scientific evidence,the truth of what they claim to exist !
non of external observers saw what the person saw or saw (find) the gene(s) /disease substance that the researcher believed were the cause of the person seeing what he saw
the whole issue on both sides just a talk for talk ( believe in things/pathological factors whose existence cannot proven by any objective ,impartial or reliable methods of science )
the tie between the both sides !
Have you read a book called A View From Nowhere, by Thomas Nagel? Its really intriguing. Talking about objectivity-subjectivity. Helps to better define what that is. He discusses this from a philosophical and scientific perspective. As it is the frame of reference. It’s quite curious. You may enjoy it.
There’s another paper he wrote its free to read online I think. What is it like to be a bat? You might enjoy if you haven’t read it already.
The strangest thing is - when im without meds i suffer too much, but have no thought disorder.
Then i start meds, and get very annoying thought disorders (intrusive thoughts telling me to commit suicide and other ■■■■■■■■).
Im on both ad and ap, and now i skipped the ap (olanzapine) and havent had thought disorder since and my mood is still okay.
The merits of the problematic did not end at this point !
the things that the person talks about,he sees,feels,touches and perceives internally within his psychological nature ARE affect all his mental,emotional and behavioral actions /reactions and make his life a chronic distress ,so that these things are represented an actual realities for the person while they are not perceptible or perceived by the observations of any external observers
in the other side,regard with the researcher,he fails time and time again to find a casual relationship between a gene(s) that secretes a disease substance that creating the sz condition existentially or its symptoms functionally
the schizophrenic factor who is represented in the thing be called hallucination remains affects on the thinking processes of the person,his imagination,his feelings ,his behavioral tendencies in all daily life events
therefore,the believes of the researcher becomes an virtual imagination (experimental hypothesis ) that is not related to the things/ inner realities that the person feels and suffers from !
By talking or writing,you will not never be able to touch with the finger of the hand or see with the naked eye the THINGS that the person perceives and expresses about it verbally or in writing ,in the same time you will not see /find specific gene(s) responsible for creation the sz condition,its dysfunction factor, or its bad side effects (what you call them a symptoms of sz )