Well At least the most underrated and most nostalgic
Most beautiful
Well At least the most underrated and most nostalgic
Most beautiful
Is that Grace Slick? I’ve never heard her sound so young.
She’s the LS on half the tracks and a male singer is on the other half
Ok @Jonnybegood
I think normally we listen to different kinds of music. But I’m going to give it a listen. I’m going to stream it thru Apple Music tho.
Is there a place I should start?
Start to finish worked for me just now
I used to listen to this on vinyl all the time
Most psychedelic rock ever
Playing rite now.
My addictions counselor has Alice In Wonderland ■■■■ ALL over her office.
There would have problems growing up @ home had I been listening to this in high school. Lol.
I don’t know how this one passed me up…
Completely agree.
Jefferson Airplane is one of my favourites
Same here! 5555
Good one. I always liked legs
In fairness haven’t listened to all those songs
But crown of creation was just instrumentally SOMETHING ELSE
More relaxing music to me
Hey it’s a matter of taste I guess. Because I like the relaxing songs more than the hard energized ones like ZZ Top
Give me the doors, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, Jefferson airplane and fleetwood Mac. Ok stones, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix don’t get mad at me either
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